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32 Weeks, and 1 Last Vacation



I’m not sure why I feel so chipper this morning, but as I’m not generally a morning person and I’m usually kind of a grump, I’m going with it. 🙂 Tomorrow morning I’ll have to be on the road at 5am to head to the airport (10 days in MN with my family – whohoo!!), so I definitely enjoyed snuggling in bed with my hubby this morning until 6am. There’s something so nice about snuggling under the covers when it’s cold and snowy outside. Phew. I can’t believe winter is here.

RockStar is now about 16.7″ long and weighs roughly 3.75# (the size of a large jicama). I guess the kiddo is gaining about 1/2# per week at this point, which is pretty incredible to think about. It’s so nice to know that at 32 weeks, RockStar is basically just plumping up and getting stronger every week. I obviously don’t want him/her to come out for awhile still, but it’s comforting to know that it wouldn’t be the end of the world at this point if that happened.

I weighed in at 178# this morning (down #1 from last week, up 17# overall). My weight always seems to vacillate a bit, and if I gain 1#/week overall for the rest of this pregnancy, that’d be a 25# weight gain, which was my high-end goal, so I’d be pretty darn happy with that. My belly is still growing by the day – it’s pretty incredible to see how quickly the fit of my shirts is changing at this point. HFS.

General Symptoms: My linea nigra started showing up last week, but I forgot to mention it. Kinda crazy to see that little line getting darker and darker.

The kiddo is definitely flipping and stretching and kicking and moving a lot now. It’s pretty awesome to feel (and see!) that connection with him/her. I can tell how much bigger RockStar is because it’s beginning to take a lot of effort to get in and out of the car (or from any seated position really), and it is generally accompanied by a lot of grunting and shortness of breath.

I’ve also started wearing braces every night, all night, and for at least part of the day that are helping a bit with the carpal tunnel pain. I might have my chiropractor put some kinesio tape on me, but we’ll see. I have a massage appointment set up for next Tuesday already, and when I get back from MN I’ll probably make a visit to my acupuncturist. I also found my arnica when I was cleaning out the bathroom drawers this week, so I’m going to try to apply that every day as well. Thanks for all of the advice you gave me ladies!

Lots to do today before I fly out tomorrow – I’m so excited!!

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