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33 Weeks, and Time with a 3yo


RockStar is approximately the size of honeydew melon / heft of a pineapple this week (a little over 4# and 17″). The kiddo is putting on fat and losing some of that wrinkled old man look, and the brain is developing rapidly. So cool. 🙂

I didn’t weigh in this morning since I’m at my Mom & Dad’s house in Minnesota. I’m feeling bigger by the day though, so I’m hoping that I only put on 1# this past week. We shall see… I’m here until Sunday, so normal programming will resume next week.

General Symptoms: The pregnancy massage helped a lot with the carpal tunnel pain, as well as just being awesome in general. 🙂 I’m still keeping the wrist brace on my left wrist for the majority of the day (and all of the night), but at least some of the numbness and swelling have gone down. Heartburn has been AWFUL still (Pepcid is the only thing that really helps – the others are a joke), and I sort of hiccup/burp all the time thanks to the heartburn. Fun.

On the upside, I’ve been seeing lots of great family and friends ever since Friday, and one of my closest girlfriends from college and her daughter drove up last night to visit. It was surreal to lay in bed with her 3yo between us, reading books, and talk about how different life was from a decade ago when we used to have drunken sleepovers in college and talk about boys. How things change…

 Giving the baby a hug (right after a tumble down the hill which got a nice nest of cockleburs in her hair – which then stuck to her Mom’s sweater – LOL)

An aspiring photographer… and she actually takes really good pictures!

Only 7 weeks to go… wow wow wow…

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