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Stella Times…Week 5


Wow Stella, 
We are already past the one-month mark. That is craaaazy m’dear!

This past week marked our first foray into using cloth diapers on you, and so far it’s going really well. Based on a really great review by Young House Love, we went with organic all-in-ones that are SO simple to use. We literally take the diaper off of you, drop it in a wet bag hanging from the side of our laundry basket, and then toss the entire bag with diapers in the wash every other day. Daddy was not excited for the change, but I think we’ve both been pleasantly surprised by how easy it is (plus it is good for the environment and a heck of a lot cheaper than those darn disposables!).

It doesn’t hurt that you look super cute while hanging out in just a diaper now too! I have five different colors so I can coordinate with your outfits every day all well. You are better dressed than me, dear child.

As you can see in the picture above, we also finally found a pacifier that you’ll take, albeit for very short periods of time. You hated the perfectly round, cylindrical style, but so far the flatter kind (Avent Orthodontic) seems to work for you. I vow here and now to not let that thing sit in your mouth at all times though…for one thing, it ruins the view of your pretty little face for pictures… but it sure comes in handy if we’re driving down the road and you decide you’re hungry RIGHT.NOW. 🙂

At your one month well-child visit yesterday, we found out that you have grown a full inch (22″) and gained nearly two pounds (9#13oz) since your low when we brought you home. You still feel tiny to me, but when I look back at pictures from those first few days, I can definitely see so many changes already. It makes me a little happy and a little sad, all at the same time. 

We started putting you on your play mat more this week as well. You are not so much a fan of tummy time, but on your back you are perfectly content to kick and punch the toys while I pump in the mornings after your first feeding. It works out well for both of us. 🙂

We love you so much, little girl!


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