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The End of an Era


We just got the phone call that we’ve been waiting on for the past week (or in all honesty, for the past few years). Charlie’s Grannie Annie is gone to Heaven, and though we’re happy for her, we’re sad for us. :*(

She was a spitfire. A character. An eccentric, self-centered hoot. She called me “Posey” the first few years I dated her favorite grandson, just because she could…and then she’d give me a sly smile and then laugh hysterically every single time.

I wonder if Stella will be anything like her?

After Ann took a turn for the worse a couple of weeks ago, I finally made a point of getting Stella’s birth announcement put in the paper, because you’re only supposed to list living grandparents, and I wanted it remembered that Grannie and Stella were both here on Earth for a few weeks together.

It’s so sad they never got to meet.

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