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Stella Times…Week 20

Dear Stella, 

You are now 20 weeks old (HFS!) and this week has been all about your legs and feet. Your legs, because I’m obsessed with dressing you in your new leggings, and your feet, because you’ve finally realized they are YOURS and you are very interested in them. 🙂 


 LOVE those chubby little legs.

Daddy figured out that if he runs you into people so you can kick off of them that you die laughing. It’s the cutest thing in the world. 🙂
You continue to be a drool factory, and we end up going through multiple outfits a day because of it. You’re actually getting a rash on your chin and chest some days because of it. Yikes!

You definitely LOVE your Daddy. If you’re sitting in the living room, you track him with your whole head no matter where he goes. Daddy calls you his little owl. 🙂 Last Friday, we dressed you up in a Cardinals onesie you got from your “Auntie” Ann and your new baseball leggings so you would stay warm while we sat in the back yard having drinks with the neighbors after work. You are just too cute. 🙂

You adore staring at the red and white Budweiser cans. LOL
Last weekend your Mommy’s old roommate was in town, and she has a great sense of humor, so I just had to dress you in your onesie from Carlia. We laughed pretty hard (even though Mommy doesn’t believe in spankings, I have to admit, I love the onesie *grin)!
Love that raised eyebrow, as always. 🙂 
Chillin’ on the chair while I cooked dinner. This is one of my very favorite outfits on you!

I was doing laundry today, and I usually carry you in the basket up the stairs. It looks like you’re almost too big for this practice though!

After bath time, I’ll often nurse you in just your diaper and we’ll get some skin to skin time. I love staring at your perfect, soft skin…so clear that at times, it seems nearly translucent. My beautiful baby… 

12 years ago today, your 2nd cousin once removed died. I know that sounds like a crazy, long lost relative, but he and I were the same age, grew up a couple of miles apart, and he was actually one of my very best friends in the world. His baby girl was only one month old at the time (she is your 3rd cousin!). It scares me to death to think of ever losing you or having you lose me. I’m so glad you’re in my life, and I hope we get many, many years together.

I love you so much Stella,

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