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Stella Times…Week 22


Hey Baby!

This the first time in your life that I’ve been a day late in getting this weekly post written up. It has been an insanely busy week around here, and we just completely ran out of time to get your 22 week picture taken yesterday. Sorry baby! You don’t seem to mind though. 😉

After a couple of months of mostly swing sleeping and cuddling in bed, we started putting you to sleep in your co-sleeper again the past few nights, and you have been sleeping wonderfully in there. You still wake up a couple of times a night, but usually just once at 12/1 and once at 3/4, and with you right next to me, it’s easy to grab you, nurse you, and fall right back asleep. I remember how tiny you looked in that thing when we first brought you home from the hospital, and now I’m realizing that you maybe have a month or two max left that you will fit in it. Yikes! Growing girl. At the doctor’s office this week, you measured 26 1/4″ long and 16#, so you have nearly doubled your birth weight of 8#2oz and you have grown 5 1/4″.

You are definitely a mover and a shaker now days. Like I mentioned last week, we are having to buckle you in to the swing now. I took a picture of you with your cute little leg warmer clad legs in the air the other day…and the next picture was taken as I ran over to grab your little butt before you launched yourself right out. Crazy child!

This weeks also marks the first time you went to the bar in your PJs! LOL. It was our friend Damon’s birthday, and you were already in PJs when we remembered we were supposed to meet up for a drink (it’s actually a restaurant/bar), so we packed you up and down the road we went. Everyone thought you were pretty cute in your “jailbird joey” outfit (Back to the Future, anyone?).

You are a champ at tummy time now, and we are wondering when you’ll decide to roll to your back, since you just figured out how to roll from back to front this week!

You still LOVE bath time, and we even took the infant insert out of your tub this week. 

You also turned 5 months old this week. How in the world do I have a 5 month old?!

Sitting like a big girl in the grocery store cart…

…and loving your Daddy as always. 
We love you so much Stells Bells!!


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