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A New Kind of Photo Op (…or, a CD update)


I came home for lunch the other day, and my sister-in-law (who was there watching Stella) asked me if I had put the diapers out back as a photo op. I didn’t know what she meant until I looked outside and realized it really was pretty darn picturesque. 🙂

After 4 months of cloth diapering, we are still loving it. We are still using the initial 15 Bum Genius Elemental AIOs that I got from, and it really is SO easy. I have actually had a couple of local friends ask me over the past month for advice about switching, because they realized that they were spending at least $80/month on diapers, so the $300 initial investment wasn’t looking so bad!

Every other day I throw 12 of the 15 diapers (and the wet bag) into the washing machine for a small, cold, rinse cycle, leaving one diaper on her and two clean for backups while I’m doing the laundry. Then I toss in all of her clothes, burp rags, blankets, etc. from the past two days and run a hot/cold regular wash cycle with Charlie’s Soap.

Most days I then hang up the diapers to air dry in the back yard, which completely bleaches the cloth insides back to pristine white if it was a poopy diaper. I toss the rest of her clothes in the dryer, though once we get a better clothes line in the back yard, I’ll hopefully air dry everything. A blessing of living in a “high desert” climate in CO is that laundry dries super quickly!

I’ll usually pop everything in the dryer for a “wrinkle release” 10 minutes or whatever just to soften them up, but that is it. Easy, right?

If you are on the fence about switching to cloth diapers, don’t be afraid to give it a shot!

(Check out Desiree’s great post about her experience with CD after a year!)

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