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Stella Times…25 Weeks


Whoa whoa whoa Bells,

Time needs to slow the heck down. How is it going by so quickly?!

Your first summer holiday weekend started off pretty well. It was also graduation weekend, and you did great at the graduation itself. Since it’s a tiny class (about 20 people), the ceremony is incredibly personal and fun, because everyone knows everyone. I cannot believe that you’ll be the class of 2030. WOW.

Then on Saturday, we had a BBQ at the house with a bunch of our friends. Even though most of them don’t have kids, they all love to play with you, which I think it pretty darn cute. 🙂

Unfortunately, by Sunday you and I started not feeling well, and we spent most of the graduation party sitting in the car taking a nap.

By Monday, it was even worse, and you spent a lot of time crying because between the coughing and the snotty nose, you couldn’t breathe when you ate. It was the saddest thing in the world.

On the bright side, you started doing this super adorable habit of sucking on your lower lip, especially whenever you see me and are hungry! Also, Daddy pretends to lock down your chastity belt whenever he puts a new diaper on you, and you laugh SO HARD.

At daycare this week, your daycare lady got a new puppy, and you love her. They named her Bella, so it’s Stella and Bella. 🙂

This is also the week that I pulled out all of your 6-9 month clothes (and realized that half of them should have been out weeks ago!). You were excited about the new wardrobe, I could tell. 😉

You are getting so good at entertaining yourself now while I cook dinner. It’s pretty adorable.

This morning as I was writing up this post, your Daddy called on his way to work to tell me to go outside and get a picture of you with the hot air balloon going by. It never got very close, but we had a fun little impromptu photo shoot in the grass.

 You loooooove Chief nowdays, and he is actually pretty tolerant of you. Too funny.

Love you so much Stells Bells,

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