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Now That’s a Lot of Polka Dots

For the past week or two, Stella has regressed to sleeping pretty horridly at night (waking up 4-5x like a newborn instead of the 1-2x we had gotten used to).  We had been putting her to bed, swaddled with one arm out, in the co-sleeper attached to our bed. She would sleep there most of the night, and usually after the 4-5am feeding, I would pull her into bed with us or put her in her swing until morning. I like the morning cuddles, so that was working out great. Now that she was getting up every couple of hours again though, my level of exhaustion was spiraling out of control (especially since I work 4 days/week in an office), so I decided we might as well try the crib.
A a bit of back story, we thought about trying the crib a month ago because she is getting pretty long for her co-sleeper, but the way our nursery is designed, it’s in the loft outside of our bedroom, and it has a BRIGHT skylight (which is on the list of things to replace asap with a skylight + retractable shade) and the loft is also attached to our bathroom door where we get ready in the morning, so we’re still not sure quite how to make this work once she actually sleeps in her crib all night. 

At any rate, our cotton Halo Sleep Sack (size small – which she is sadly almost too long for now at 6 1/2 months) happened to be in the wash that night, so instead of swaddling her up in one of her muslin swaddle blankets, I figured what the heck, we will completely switch it up and do a sleep sack in the crib. We are living dangerously over here folks. 🙂

Stella still rarely rolls, but she does LOOOOVE rolling onto her side and covering her face with blankets and/or stuffed animals when she sleeps. For some reason, I have never worried about this habit or the suffocation risk. I know, I’m a terrible mother. Shoot me now. In the meantime, I’m leaving the toys in the crib because they make her happy.

Another example of Stella and Daddy, getting wound up before bed. As usual. *sigh* It’s a good thing they’re so cute when they play together.

The first few nights went great. She was back to waking up 1-2x/night to quickly nurse and conk back out (totally manageable IMO), and I’d still bring her back into bed with us or put her in the swing after the last feeding, which meant Charlie and I could get ready in the loft area in the morning without waking her up.

Last night…well, last night wasn’t so great, but I think it was because it was the first time we’ve turned the A/C on (very rarely do we use it here in CO), and something was screwed up with the thermostat so it was COOOOLD in here….like 57 degrees cold. At 3am I finally just brought her back to bed to snuggle with me and warm up.

SO. Long story short. No miracle sleep advice tips over here, but, we are attempting the switch to the crib and moving the whole “replace the skylight” goal to the top of our to-do list.

In the meantime, she sure is cute in polka dots.

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