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Memorable Moment Monday – Couples Edition

At the 18th hole - finally done! It was a great afternoon together, but my golf game - not so great. :-)


My husband loves to golf, and back when work was plentiful (he is in the construction industry and I used to be in real estate – ya, ouch), we used to golf a lot. Well, he golfed every weekend (Sat and Sun) and I golfed a handful of times a season. He is awesome at it and would literally golf every single day if he could…me, not so much. However, I love having four hours of uninterrupted time together – no phones, no distractions, just US. Now though, between having a baby and not having the expendable income we used to, I haven’t golfed once this year and he has only gone twice when he’s gotten hook ups from friends. 

A couple of weeks ago, we were walking around the arts and crafts fair that was in town, and our local fire department had a booth set up full of items that were being auctioned off as a fundraiser for the FD. We saw the card for 18 holes of golf for 2 people (including cart) for $85 and jumped at it! It’s usually $100/pp + cart around here, so that was a pretty great deal. Happily, we won, so yesterday we brought Stella up to her grandparent’s house (they live about 5 minutes from the course), and we headed off for our first four hours of baby free time together since Stella was born!

At the first tee box, getting ready to start off the day!

Rain delay. It DOWNPOURED for probably 15 minutes (with a little hail too!), but luckily we were able to resume playing and only got slightly drenched. 🙂

The course is normally in awesome condition, but little sections of it were not so great yesterday. It was a rough, dry summer here in Colorado. Side note, isn’t my hubby cute?!

At the 18th hole – finally done! It was a totally great afternoon together, but my golf game – not so great, and I was ready to be done and go see my baby. 🙂

This is part of PAIL’s Memorable Moment Monday series. Click here to join in and see other people’s memorable moments!

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