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Stella Times…49 Weeks


Dear Stella,

Not loving your first double ear infection. 🙁

This week has been a whirlwind for sure. First off, we spent Thursday-Sunday traveling to Chicago and back so that you and I could meet up with some blog friends and their children (btw – you were a ROCKSTAR traveler on your 4 flights last weekend!).
It was so fun to watch you playing with new toys and new friends for the past week. Most anything can be turned into a “cell phone,” and you hold it up to your ear and pretend to talk. It cracks me up every time! You also started saying MAMAMA finally, which is huge because you weren’t even saying that consonant sound before! You don’t say it with any regularity yet, but if you want something from me, you’ll often crawl over while chanting Mamamama now. So far I love it. 🙂

You also started to put things back INTO boxes this past week. That’s pretty huge, since the last couple of months I feel like I spend all of my time doing that, since you LOVE to empty boxes. It’s nice that you can now do both. LOL

Unfortunately, when we got home on Sunday night it was apparent you didn’t feel great, and you and I ended up spending Monday-Wednesday at home, since you were diagnosed with a double ear infection on Wednesday. 🙁

I hope you start feeling better really soon, my Bells. I ordered your invitations for your 1st Birthday party today, and realizing that you will be a one year old in just three short weeks just rocked my world. Wow.

I Love You,

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