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The Monday Snapshot – Sickness Edition


This was a rough weekend. It started out well enough – hanging out as a family on Friday night after work…Stella was asleep at 8, Charlie at 8:30, me at 9.

Saturday we hung out all day (well, I worked on taxes – boo), but it was a nice day, and that night we sent Stelly up to her Nana and Papa’s for the night so that Charlie and I could have some time to reconnect. Little did we know what a blessing that would be to have her out of the house.

Charlie and I had dinner together, and then about 8pm, three of our friends came over, and we had a few drinks at the house. By 10pm, we headed out to the local bar where there was a live band, had two more beers there, and came back home. Not a wild and crazy night at all! We were asleep by midnight maybe? All I know is that at 2:30am, Charlie woke me up, saying that he needed to puke.

He commenced puking…and puking…and puking.

I have NEVER seen him in so much pain. The poor guy puked at least every 15 minutes for the next six hours, and his belly was cramping, his whole body ached, everything just hurt. By 7am, I texted the new FNP at our clinic (who happens to be a friend of mine now as well), and told her all of Charlie’s symptoms. She said it sounded like he had the norovirus that has been going around. Not good. Usually passes in 12-60 hours, but it is pretty debilitating in the meantime. Ya, tell us about it. At any rate, she called some meds in for us, but the local pharmacy was closed on Sunday, and the one that’s 30 minutes away didn’t open until 10am. I called my in-laws to see how Stella was and to let them know about Charlie’s situation, and my father-in-law told me that they happened to have 1 pill of the exact same med that had just been prescribed for Charlie (it’s for nausea and pain – my SIL used to take them for migraines I guess). At any rate, he thankfully came right down with it (around 8:30?), and Charlie was able to keep it down long enough to take effect. My FIL headed to town to pick up the Rx anyway (Charlie didn’t want me to leave him, poor guy), and I spent the rest of the day cleaning and feeling generally cruddy myself. Charlie was up for all of 15 minutes today – that is IT, though thankfully he hasn’t puked again since he got the first dose of the medication.

So ya…thank God Stells wasn’t here for the morning. I could not have handled a baby at the same time as Charlie – his pain peaked from about 6:30-8:30, and it was horrid. I picked Stella up this afternoon and she of course nap striked, so it’s been a long evening. Thank GOD she loves the bath, so that was the one highlight of the day. It’s hard to be too frustrated when you see this cute little face grinning back at you…

All bundled up post-bath!

A year ago — that’s me in the background, prepping for her first ever bath at home. 🙂

So yeah, as I write this on Sunday night, I’m not feeling the greatest at all and have puked twice, so please say a little prayer that Stella and I don’t also get this nasty bug as well. It’s highly contagious, so we shall see. *sigh* What a weekend…


This is part of a weekly feature called The Monday Snapshot over at PAIL.

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