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Choosing a Clinic & RE


I’ve had a few blog friends writing lately about wondering how to best choose a RE (Reproductive Endocrinologist – basically, a fertility specialist), so I figured I should write up our process just to have it out there for those who are googling! For us, we live in an area with zero REs. Literally zero. The closest REs are 300 miles / six hours away (in either Denver or Salt Lake City), so for us, we decided that if we were going to travel that far to see a doc, you can bet your bottom dollar that we were going to the best. For us, that meant CCRM. Here’s the run down of our experience from two years ago…

It’s crazy to see it all written out like that how quickly everything moved. At the time it felt like everything was taking forever – I suppose because we were in the midst of TTC heartache and feeling like the previous 18 months had been such a waste. Also, with me having PCOS (aka. long, irregular, often anovulatory cycles) it felt like we were barely ever even getting even a chance to conceive. In all reality, each month wait was for a reason by the time we reached this part of the process – they were booked out about 1 month for a phone consult appointment, then we had to wait until a CD3 to do our ODWU, then we had to wait for my next cycle to start the meds & do the actual IUI.

The RE told me that we had about a 20% chance of success with each IUI cycle based on my history/labs/etc. — so doing that basically brought our chance of success into the realm of normal for fertile people my age. If we didn’t have success with 3 cycles, he wanted to move onto IVF, and that was a plan we were totally comfortable with.

Overall, we were very impressed with CCRM. They were both efficient and communicative – both qualities that I especially appreciated since we were so far away. I loved that I could email my nurse with any questions I had – and that she would respond quite quickly. We chose CCRM in the event that IVF was needed for us to conceive because their IVF success rates pretty much blow everyone else out of the water, but thankfully we had luck with our very first IUI cycle with them!

For lots of GREAT info and links regarding choosing an IVF clinic, please click here to read an awesome post by Carole of Fertility Lab Insider!

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