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Weekly Wednesday Weigh-In


Hey everyone!

So I know this will probably come across as petty and ridiculous to some, but it’s the truth, and that’s how I blog, so here ya go… 🙂

I don’t wan’t to freak out about weight gain while pregnant, but I also am a teensy-bit petrified of weight gain this time around, so it’s definitely something I’ll be monitoring. Last time I was pregnant, I was waitressing and bartending full time, which meant I was on my feet for 40 hours a week – running stairs up three flights and carrying trays and moving non stop. My pre-preg weight puts me smack dab in the middle of the 15-25# and 25-35# recommendations, and I gained a healthy 25# by the time I delivered at 38w. I felt healthy and strong when it came time for delivery, and I truly think that had a positive effect on my birthing time.

NOW, I’m sitting at a desk job where I barely take 3,000 steps/day if I don’t make the effort or find time to work out at some point throughout the day. So yeah, not gonna lie, I’m afraid of gaining a ton of unnecessary weight this time around and not feeling as strong and prepared when it comes time to get this child out.

4w pregnant with Stella / 4w pregnant this time / 37w pregnant with Stella


I’m starting this pregnant at the exact same weight (161#) though I’m a slightly “softer” shape. Remember, I’m 5’8″ and medium build. Pre-Stella, I easily fit into size 10 jeans at this weight – and right now I’ve been struggling with 12s, thanks to the extra pudge I’m carrying around my belly & hips.

When I posted last week, I mentioned the Mean Abs Challenge that I’m partaking in. For those who aren’t aware, it IS safe to do abdominal exercises while pregnant. After the first trimester they recommending avoiding exercises that have you flat on your back because they can constrict your vena cava (thanks to the weight of the baby) which could reduce blood & oxygen flow to the fetus and the mother. It’s the same reason they don’t recommend sleeping on your back later in pregnancy, though I have to admit that this is another one of those “common sense” things to me – and my midwife backed me up – if you’re feeling dizzy, roll over, but otherwise, don’t freak out about it. At any rate, all docs say that during the first trimester it’s totally fine to do crunches and sit-ups. I am pleased to report that I am 7/7 for on the ab challenge so far! Having strong abs also helps prevent diastasis recti (separation of the abdominal muscles- common during pregnancy), reduces back pain by improving alignment of the spine, helps make labor and and delivery easier and improves the way you look and feel during pregnancy.

So there ya go. Mean Abs Challenge FTW! 🙂

My goals for these next two months of pregnancy (i.e. the rest of the first trimester) are as follows:


On pregnancy notes, I’m 5 weeks today, and my temp was back up the last two days. I’m trying to talk myself into putting the thermometer away. With Stella I temped for 9 more days past today – and an odd Type A part of me feels like I should “match” that. I know, I’m weird. Probably better to just quit with the temping though.

I’m also taking 2oo mg of the progesterone supps 2x/day for now (one morning & one night). I’m taking them vaginally, just because it makes me feel better, even if there’s no evidence that it actually works any better. Ha! I have a few awesome blog friends who are sending me their leftover meds (thank you thank you thank you!), so I should hopefully be able to continue these through most of the 1st tri until I’m more confident that the placenta has taken over.

I’m feeling much more optimistic right now about this embryo hanging around. Ask me in an hour and it could be a different story, but for now, I feel calm, and I’m going to try to focus on that. 🙂

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