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The Monday Snapshot – Road Rash


Well, we can now mark “falling face first into the cement & dirt off the side of the porch” off of Stella’s bucket list. Oops! She has a Melissa & Doug shopping cart (which she ADORES – seriously – go buy it now, it’s like a portable toy box), and usually it’s only allowed inside. Somehow we have gotten lax over that rule the past couple of weeks, and it has magically made the transition to a toy that can be pushed onto the back deck…which doesn’t have a railing. We knew it was a recipe for disaster, but I kind of figured she had to learn somehow. Of course, I had hoped she’d let go of the damn cart when it inevitably got run off the side! No such luck.


I was inside making dinner with a girl friend on Saturday night, and Charlie was in the back yard playing horseshoes with the guys. This means Stella was between the two of us – but about 30′ away from either of us. Everyone heard the commotion, and a collective “OH SHIT” was heard across the property. By the time Charlie pulled the cart off her and swept her up, I was at his side, staring at my screaming child (who had a mouthful of gravel and a bleeding nose) thinking #MOMFAIL.

Thankfully her teeth were all intact, and she survived with minor scrapes and bruises down her face, right forearm, and right leg. *sigh* Once we got the gravel off her tongue, she was actually a pretty happy child! I was proud of my quick rebounder. 🙂

These pics are from that night – she actually looks worse now that everything is scabbing over! I told her it makes her look tough. 🙂


This is part of a weekly feature called The Monday Snapshot over at PAIL. Click here to see everyone else’s contributions this week and to learn a little more about this week’s featured blogger!

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