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Why Do I Blog?


As Sarah mentioned in her intro to this month’s PAIL Monthly Theme, usually blogging about blogging is something I try to avoid, because it can be pretty boring and redundant. However, the question of WHY DO I BLOG? is something I’ve been thinking about a lot lately, so here goes nothing!

As a background for those of you who are newer readers, I started blogging just over four years ago on my public family blog thinking I’d document my soon-to-be pregnancy & bambino. My family members all live 1,000+ miles away from me, and I thought it’d be a great way to stay in touch as our family grew. Well, that blog sat mostly dormant for the next 2.5 years.

Almost four years ago I started this blog, and it was mostly about my love of beer, jagermeister and cheese… and how binge eating and drinking those loves was starting to affect my health. I really wanted to be pregnant, and I was worried my borderline high BMI (25.8) was the reason we weren’t conceiving. Slowly but surely over the next year or so, the blog turned into more of a fitness / Infertility blog as I worked on getting healthy (I lost 20#!) and started to search out other people who understood what I was feeling and going through.

I started blogging anonymously because I wanted a safe place to write about my feelings about my eating disorder struggles and to “get it all out there” so to speak (so why not choose the world wide web, right?). As I connected with other bloggers, I realized there was an entire world of amazing people out there who I felt connected to in a way I have rarely found IRL. The women I have met online have honestly turned into some of my closest friends. Pre-blogging, I would have thought that was crazy, but here I am — a normal person with normal IRL friends — but also with a cache of amazing URL friends (many of whom I’ve now hung out with in real life) who are there for me on Twitter at 2am or via my blog when I need reassurance or advice or anything else! I feel very blessed to have found such an amazing circle of women through blogging.

I chose to stay at my current space when Stella was born. At the heart of it all, I write in this space for me, and I get it if you’re not in the right head space to read about my pregnancy or parenting struggles while you’re still TTC. You are always free to unfollow or click away. At the same time, I think it’s important to be honest that pregnancy and parenting aren’t all sunshine and rainbows, and that it’s okay to struggle sometimes. I’m glad I never transitioned to a new space because this is my home. Maybe I feel differently about this than others because this space was never all about IF and was started pre-IF, but I’m glad that My Cheap Version of Therapy is still exactly that for me. There are times I’ve hesitated to write certain posts for fear of offending someone, but for the most part I’ve gotten over that, because like I just mentioned, this is my space! If you don’t agree with me, that’s okay. Let’s agree to disagree. 🙂

This space had nothing to do with other people and everything to do with me when I started it. Now, it’s more of a mix of both. I feel very strongly that education and self-advocacy are hugely important when it comes to one’s reproductive health, and that pregnancy and child-rearing are wholly integrated with that. If I can help educate people about the cost of TTC treatmentstheir choices when it comes to pre-natal testing and procedures, their choices when it comes to birth, HypnoBabiesbreastfeeding, cloth diaperingsleep, baby led weaning, etc… then awesome. I’m not an expert in any of these things by any means, but I do love to research and share any knowledge I’ve gained through my own history of trial and error.

Honestly, at this point, it’s about continuing to connect with the other women I’ve met through the blogging world. I love sharing the knowledge I’ve gained, and I’d like to think it helps others in some small way to read all of my long-winded research posts. At the same point, I’m struggling with where to go from here. At some point (I’m not sure when), I’d like to quit posting so much about Stella. I’ve already transitioned to writing more about her on my family blog than here, but even that will change eventually I suppose. I haven’t quite figured out where that “line in the sand” is for me, but at some point they become more of her stories to tell instead of my stories about her. I don’t know if that means I lock my blogs down to private/password only or what, but it’s definitely on my mind. I am not worried that a picture of her smiling cutely in a cowboy hat is going to somehow come back and haunt her in her job search days, but there is a modicum of concern about what is okay/appropriate to share about her.

The struggles we will face in life don’t end just because we got that elusive baby in our arms, and that is a huge part of why I kept blogging (and in this same space) post-TTC. Lately I have felt myself pulling back from blogging and social media as a whole – maybe because of time constraints, maybe because I’m healing and moving on, maybe because of both…I don’t know. I do know that this blog has been integral in keeping me sane during the past 3 years, and for that reason I am eternally grateful to have turned to my computer one lonely day and started typing.

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