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The Monday Snapshot – You Turn Your Back for a Second…


Yesterday I was totally zoned out on innocently watching Property Brothers (ohmygodilovethatshow), and Stella said “Mommy, my ball!” I mumbled something like “yep honey, get your ball!”… and ya, I’m ashamed to admit that’s about it. No head turn to see what she was doing. No wondering “what about that darn ball?”

Well, a few minutes later I got out of my chair and realized this is what was happening right behind me.

Um, shit. Okay.

Mind you were JUST paid $400 to have all of the ductwork in our house professionally cleaned out last month.

I started pulling out the big items, and lo and behold, I see this:

#&@*(@&$%. Um, shit.

The good part though is that the ball Stella mentioned? It was the 1st toy stuck in the vent — aka — it was keeping all of her blocks from being able to turn the corner into the lateral ductwork.

I’m going to count that as a #win.

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