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Awards Season…aka A Bunch of Rambling


Well, here I am sitting at work today being extremely unproductive (sorry boss) because I have holidayitis today thanks to knowing that as of 5:30pm I’m off until next Monday! It just occurred to me that I was nominated for two different blog awards in the past couple of weeks, and they would be the perfect distraction from my absolute boredom today. Both require that I answer 10 questions posed by the nominators, so be prepared to learn lots of nonsensical tidbits about me today. This is the highlight of your day, right?

How it works:
1. Include the Stork Award icon in your post
2. Link to the person(s) who nominated you (the lovely Cristy of Searching for our silver lining)
3. Answer the 10 questions about yourself
4. Nominate as many bloggers as you want to receive the award
5. Ask your nominees 10 new questions
6. Link your nominees and let them know they’ve been nominated
7. Post the Stork Award icon on your blog side bar if you are so inclined

How it works:
1. Include this icon in your post
2. Link to the blogger who nominated you (the awesome Mrs. T at A+ Effort)
3. Answer 10 questions about yourself
4. Nominate 10 other bloggers to answer 10 new questions
5. Tell the people that they’ve won


I’m INCREDIBLY interesting, right? 🙂

So there ya go, 20 random thoughts / factoids / whatever you’d like to call them.

I like Mrs. T’s idea of nominating your most recent commenters, so here are my 10 most recent commenters who blog!

  1. Kasey @ Powersfullife
  2. Elizabeth @ A New Version of Me!
  3. Fiona @ Life Amongst the Palm Trees
  4. Chon @ Life Begins
  5. Lanie @ Unruffled Lanie
  6. Uncommon Nonsense
  7. Mellow in the Midwest
  8. Stephanie @ Blawnde’s Blawg
  9. mandski @ Full Bed
  10. Sheelah @ McMissis

…and here are your 10 Questions to Answer (some stolen from above):

  1. If you could try out any job for a day, what would you like to try?
  2. What do you like most about yourself?
  3. What’s the last thing you read?
  4. Do you believe in soul mates?
  5. If you could go back in time to warn yourself that something was going to happen, would you?
  6. What state/area of the world do you live in? Have you always lived there? Are you happy there?
  7. Do you enjoy giving gifts at Christmas/Hanukkah or do you avoid it at all costs?
  8. What country do you want to visit most & why?
  9. What is your #1 goal for the next 5 years of your life?
  10. How did you find my blog? (if you remember)
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