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35 Weeks


Phew! I had my bi-weekly midwife appointment yesterday at his house, and he sent me home with a birth tub! If that doesn’t make shit feel real, I don’t know what does. My next appointment will be at 37 weeks, and it’s actually the home visit appointment so that my midwife and his wife (and full time birth assistant – she is a retired NICU nurse!) are familiar with our house and such. This is getting REAL!

Pregnancy symptoms lately:

Baby is:

I got my package of birth related items in the mail, which is pretty cool, so between that and the birth tub now being in the house, things are coming together. I think I’ll work on the rest of his list for me this Friday when I’m running errands, just so stuff is ready to go. Anytime after 37 weeks we can legally deliver at home!

Oh – and my work threw me a baby shower yesterday morning, which was super nice of them! Between them, my Mom, and SRB, I’m starting to accumulate enough little baby things to feel okay about the initial clothing time. I hate to buy much when we don’t know if he’ll be a 6#er or a 10#er, you know?

Getting closer every day!

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