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36 Weeks


I wrote weekly posts during my pregnancy with Stella, but somehow this time around has evolved into more of a bi-weekly thing. As I near the end though, I’m thinking it might be time to start checking in more often, just for my own neurotic record keeping purposes. 🙂 I’m trying really hard to keep in mind that I could go to 42 weeks (January 22nd!!) … while at the same time hoping I go closer to the 38 week mark like I did with Stella (Christmas day). As I read back over my 36 week post from last time, I’m struck by the fact that I actually think I’m feeling better this time around. I don’t know if it’s because I’m being forced to still be active and out of the house since I’m still working, but although I am exhausted and feeling run down, I don’t feel as huge as I described last time, and thanks to no carpal tunnel (I only had it for about 2 weeks this time – how weird, right?!), I’m physically feeling okay overall.

Don’t get me wrong, my belly is definitely getting large and in charge (I run into things Sorry kid), and I’m generally up for a couple of hours in the middle of the night with pregnancy insomnia thanks to some horrid heartburn, but for the most part, this pregnancy is really just cruising along. Charlie has been warning me that I shouldn’t even think about doing this again someday, just because I’m forgetting how horrid the first 17 weeks were. LOL.

I’m starting to work on getting things together for little man considering I’ll be full term next week! I just emailed my friend that borrowed my moby wrap, swing, co-sleeper, and bouncy chair and asked for everything back by the weekend before Christmas. I figure I’ll be 37w3d by that point, and for my own peace of mind it will be good to have everything back in the house. 🙂 I’m also washing all of the clothes we’ve been given, and I think we’re pretty set for itty bitty baby boy clothes! The amazing SRB sent me a box, my work threw me a baby shower, my Mom sent a few things, and a girlfriend in town with a 6 month old boy just gave me a whole bag of NB and 0-3 month clothes. It’s so crazy seeing all of those tiny onesies hanging in the closet again! I still need to buy some disposable diapers I think (we waited a few weeks to start cloth with Stella and will probably do the same again because the OS diapers are so big on newborns!), but other than that, I’m pretty set for little man!

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