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The Monday Snapshot – Birth Without Fear Edition


“Twas another busy weekend in our household, but overall it was a fun one! I spent all day Friday cleaning, organizing, and putting up Christmas decorations because on Saturday, my girlfriend threw me a “fill the freezer” baby shower at my house (huge  props to Arch Mama for the idea!). Basically, my friend wanted to celebrate this baby somehow, but I felt uncomfortable getting gifts from people because we really have everything we need, so the compromise was a shower where people came with a dish to throw in my freezer. This means that (1) I have a deep freeze full of good eats that we can pull out and cook as needed in those early days when I’m exhausted and not able to cook, and (2) I got to spend a couple of hours sitting around with my girlfriends, laughing and chatting about life and this baby. Also, it was supposed to be a no gifts shower (beyond the food, of course), but my neighbor gave me this necklace, and MAN did I bawl. She wore it in the weeks leading up to her own birthing time, and she wanted to pass on the message and strength to another birthing mama. How cool is that?!! I LOOOOVE the website by the same name too – they post lots of great birth stories (including my own last June!) as well as lots of educational info about the choices women can make during their pregnancies and birthing times. Right up my alley. 🙂

On Sunday morning we went to church as usual, and I just had to get a picture of Stella in front of the Christmas tree that Charlie talked me into putting up. When I first set it up, Stella gasped and said, “Mama, it’s BEAUTIFUL!” The lights weren’t on, but I think it’s still a cute picture. I have to admit, it really does get you more in the Christmas spirit when you can sit in your living room at night, surrounded by the lights of Christmas!

Then yesterday afternoon we did a trial run of filling the birthing tub to make sure we had all of the right connectors for the hose, to figure out how long it would take, etc, and Stella and I even took a little dip in it last night. I’m so exciting for this upcoming birth experience!!

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