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Weight Loss Check-In: 6 Months Postpartum


May 1, 2013: 161# – 4w pregnant
January 12: 181.2# – 40w4d pregnant
January 15: 166.5# – 3d postpartum
February 12: 163.9# – 1m postpartum
March 12: 162.3# – 2m postpartum
March 15: My SIL died. I eat & drink my way through grief.
April 12: 167.0# – 3m postpartum
May 12: 168.3#​ – 4m postpartum
June 12: 163.0# – 5m postpartum
July 12: 160.2# – 6m postpartum

My goals for months 5-6 postpartum were:


GAH. Okay. So I kicked ass at my FitBit steps goal (except for this most recent week when I got CRAZY sick on Tuesday and only got 786 steps which killed my average)… but tracking? I kinda sorta sucked at tracking. WHYYYYY is it so easy to blow off doing the one thing I know works for me, especially in the summer? I’ve been so great at moving my body more, but


I know this. And I still tried to do this. *sigh*

On the upside, I weighed myself last Saturday after 3 days of BBQs and drinking and having fun around the 4th of July, and when I saw 166# on the scale it shocked me into clean eating and tracking carefully for the past week. Thanks to just 5 days of that (plus being sick a couple of those days), I dropped a bunch of bloat and FINALLY saw a number on the scale that was lower than my pre-pregnancy weight – 160.2! I just missed my 150s goal, but I’m stoked to finally be under 161#!

November 2009 – present. A journey.

I’m headed to Minnesota from August 1st-10th for a family vacation with a 4 day blog friend meetup at a lake cabin thrown in the middle. This means a LOT of swimsuit time (there is a pool at my parent’s house AND a lake at my friend’s cabin!). I bought a new (one piece) swimsuit last week, and I want to feel good in it. In order to do this, I want to really focus on my diet for the next 3 weeks so I can hopefully lose a couple more pounds and start working on toning too. I also need to focus on some butt & thigh exercises, because the cut of my new suit makes it painfully obvious that I’m carrying some extra weight there too. :\

I post a lot of pics of myself, but it’s still incredibly hard to post swimsuit pics. Why is that?!!And this is what a size 12 body looks like squeezed into a size 10 swimsuit. Gotta keep working on that!

My goals for months 6-7 postpartum:

I think my ultimate goal is going to be to get down to 150#. If I’m working out while dropping weight, that would be a fit & toned size 8/10 for me (I’m 5’8″, medium build).

You only fail if you quit trying, right?

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