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I’ve seen quite a few posts floating around the internet for the past week talking about people’s “one word” for the year. I started out thinking that it’s really hard to figure out the ONE thing I want to commit to this year, and then it hit me – FOCUS.

All day long I am being torn in a million directions. Part of that is just my reality of being a Mom who works FT outside the home who is trying to work on self care and parenting her faith and her marriage and many other things all at once. BUT. I’m highly distractable these days and I feel like I’m never truly focusing on what’s in front of me because I can’t quit thinking about the NEXT thing, so that’s my goal for this year. To FOCUS.

To be present.

To give 100% to whatever I’m working on at that point in time.

To shut Facebook when I need to get work done.

To not feel bad staying up an hour later when I want to have some ME time and cruise Facebook and blogs.

To workout HARD and not let that focus slip on weekends.

To not have my phone in my hand while I talk to my husband or watch a show with him.

To complete a game with my kids without *always* taking a photo.

To take the time to sit down and edit all those photos I love so much and actually put them into albums.

To focus on whatever it is I’m doing in that moment and really FEEL it and give it 100%.

So that’s my word and that’s my goal – to focus.

How about you?


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