Site icon My Cheap Version of Therapy

WWW – Week 0, 0%


What is it about a new year that makes it feel exciting to start fresh on a project? 🙂 This year, my project is ME!

I started tracking my food yesterday (even though it was a travel day home from Mexico), and this morning I stepped on the scale at 190.3#. I figure that’s as good a place as any to start on this journey, eh?

As a throwback, I found an old tank top this morning and put it on to take my “before” photo. On the left is me at 9 months postpartum after having my second child (so about 4 years and 30# ago). On the right is me today. Yup, I can definitely tell that I weigh about 10# more than I did at 9 months pregnant! Yikes!

My long time readers may remember that I originally started this blog 9 years ago when I stepped on the scale at 169.6# (reminder – I’m 5’8″) and was trying to get pregnant. I have PCOS and my doctor had told me that losing 10% of my body weight could help me in the TTC process, so I did!
It still took me a couple of more years to get pregnant with help from the specialists, but at least I was healthier and happier during the process. I was able to lose about 20# over 5 months by exercising more and using MyFitnessPal to track my food, and though I’m starting at 20# heavier and have 40# to go this time, I KNOW that I can do it again.

The two big spikes in this chart are my pregnancies with Stella & Harvey. Both times I got back to my pre-preg weight of 161# pretty easily, but it’s during the last 4 years that I’ve really just let myself go. That stops now!

Also, A BIG MASSIVE THANK YOU to those of you who reached out with comments and texts after my last post. It’s always a little terrifying to admit how far you’ve fallen, and your words of support mean the world to me! A good college friend of mine commented with 10 things she thinks I rock at, and no joke it made me cry. It’s so interesting to see yourself through someone else’s eyes! I’m posting that on my wall at home to help keep me inspired through this process, so thank you, Elisa. xoxo

So…here we go. I have a digital Weight Gurus scale that I will be using to track my progress, so here are my starting stats as of 1/2/2019.

My biggest short term #NSV goal right now is to feel comfortable bending over in snowpants to latch into my snowboard again. It is NOT fun right now, and that needs to change.

EEK! I’m so excited to do this and kick some butt! 🙂

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