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Follie Check #2 / HSA Tax Deductions!


Well, this morning was a bit of a clusterfuck because I forgot to bring my orders with me and neither the clinic (where my u/s was) nor the hospital (bloodwork) had a copy. To top it off, I had it in my email, but they can’t get/print emails at either place. How archaic is that?! It “must be faxed,” so I ended up calling my Mom (thanks Mom!), having her hack into my email, print off the orders, and fax them in. Ridiculous. At least it got done.

Here’s what I know so far…

Estradiol: 174.4 (DOWN from 186 on Friday. WTH?)
LH: 5.8
Progesterone: 0.5
Lining: 6.9mm (up from 4.8 since Friday)
Right Follies: 9mm, 8mm, 7mm
Left Follies: 15mm, 8mm, 8mm, 7mm

So yeah, I don’t know what happened to that 10 on my right side (or maybe it’s different measuring styles? it was two different ultrasound techs at two different locations).

I’m pretty bummed that $4k only got us one dominant follie right now, but I’m trying to remember that it only takes one. Oak gives me hope. She had issues with her IUI cycle, but with just one dominant follie and thin lining and f*ed up E2 levels, she ended up with little Mac. It IS possible it IS possible.

In the meantime, I’m going in for daily u/s and blood work now until trigger time. Yippee…

Hangin’ in there.

Okay – since I wrote that top part, I had an absolute meltdown. I wrote last Friday about how I was going to run out of meds if I needed more than 5 days worth, so I had ordered more for OVERNIGHT DELIVERY on Friday. Well, we don’t get Saturday delivery here (gotta love small towns) but I figured for sure we’d get the meds by Monday then. NOPE.

I just called UPS and had an absolute meltdown to the girl on the phone b/c apparently their plane got in late and trucks had gone out and the manager decided that it was okay to delay everything by a day – even the guaranteed overnight packages. They are breaking protocol and letting me come get the meds myself (the package is AT THEIR OFFICE but didn’t go out on the truck today)…which is all fine and dandy, but it means another 90 minutes in the car for me today that I shouldn’t have to do. FUCK. Better than not being able to get to the Menopur, but I am not happy right now.


On a totally different note, my tax accountant called today and told me that based on everything I’ve given her, we’re going to get $1500-1600 back this year, BUT, if we contribute the max in our family HSA (an additional $5,100 to get up to the $6,150 max), we’ll get an additional $1000 back. I’ll contribute it for 2010 and then just write a check to myself right back out (for all of the med expenses we’ve paid out of pocket). It works b/c HSAs allow you to pay medical expenses with your pre-tax income. Since the money I’ve contributed was post-tax (my former employer wouldn’t contribute pre-tax), I’m now getting the “taxed” part of that income back since it was used for medical expenses. Doesn’t cost us anything (besides my time to move funds around) and we’ll save another $1000. Ask your tax accountant if that would work for you too!

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