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Midwives & Morning Sickness, 7w4d


Well, on the up side, small amounts of kombucha & beet kvass have been a lifesaver. I still have nausea most of the day, but I’m able to function at least a little.

On the flip side, I’m still routinely puking at least a couple times a day. Yay.

Peppermint hard candies have also helped, and fruit cups (including drinking the sugary water they’re in). I’m trying really hard to up my protein intake too – my acupuncturist said that’s the #1 thing I can try to do to help alleviate the all day nausea.

Speaking of my acupuncturist, today is my first visit to her in nearly 6 weeks. I can’t believe it’s been so long!! After going every week (or every other week at the longest) for nearly a year, I just haven’t had the energy…plus a little crazy side of me was thinking “my body is in some sort of balance right now…and even if I’m out of balance, it’s supporting a pregnancy so I’m afraid of changing that balance.” I finally called and told her I needed to come in and see if she could help with this nausea crapola. I am so glad that I did. The 75 minutes I was on her table were the best 75 minutes I’ve had in the past week. Here’s to hoping that continues…

Also, I need to get going on picking out my OB/midwife. I’m still hoping for a home birth, but my hubby is pretty dead set against it. Instead of going with the OB I visited back in Feb2010, I’m thinking a good compromise is the local group of CNM (certified nurse midwives) that practice out of the hospital (which is about 30 min from my house). I had a quick 20 minute consult with one of the women today, and I was mostly happy with what I heard.

*They see you every 4 weeks up to 30 weeks, then every 2 weeks to 36, then for me, 2x/week the final month since I was an IUI case. Yay for a little bit of special treatment!
*Appointments last as long as I want – 5 minutes or 60 minutes, they don’t care. “We don’t overbook. We’ll talk and hang out as long as you need.” I like that.
*My next u/s isn’t supposed to be until 20 weeks (HAHAHA – ya fucking right) but she said they’d schedule me for another one whenever I want, under the understanding that it will probably be out of pocket. Not a problem. I’m hoping to go in for another on in the next couple of weeks sometime.
*Even though you birth in the hospital, they don’t require you to be monitored or hooked up to IVs (unless you have to be on pitocin or antibiotics for some reason). You’re free to walk around as much as you want.
*They don’t hold you to the 24 hrs or you’re headed to a c-section or other intervention… if things are progressing slowly, that is just fine with them.
*They don’t ask if you want meds (they wait for you to ask if that’s what you want). They’re huge supporters of “natural birth” if that’s what you want (and it is what I’m hoping for).
*If you want an “unassisted birth,” barring complications, they will step back and allow that.

The annoying thing (which holds true for the OB practice as well) is our local hospital does no water births. They have one teeny tiny little tub room on the L&D floor that you can labor in (big enough for you and your husband according to the CNM) but you can’t actually deliver in there, and the birthing suites are tiny and don’t include tubs themselves.

All that being said, I’m definitely glad I talked to them.

We shall see…decisions decisions…

Just got a call from my nurse at CC.RM – my P4 level came back at 20.5 today, so they want me to start to wean down to one supplement/day. Good news I guess! I’ll go in for another check next Monday, and if all looks good, be off of them completely!

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