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10 weeks, and lots of good news!


I figured I needed a balancing post after the sadness of yesterday, so here we go!

*Even though I puked 4x yesterday and had a rough day, so far today I’ve made it to 5pm without a single yak. WHO-HOO!!! I’ve had 23 days in row of all day puking & nausea, and I am so hoping to break that streak. 

*The anti-nausea med I’m on (zo.fran) is still causing major GI issues, but when the plumbing decides to work, I found out that I supposedly still weigh the same as I did on BFP day (161#). This morning I weighed in at 163# on my scale and this afternoon at 168# on the midwife’s scale, but whatever, I’m just gonna roll with it. So far I feel like I look the same as I did with a beer belly, though after 6 weeks of not drinking, I’d hope that’s more baby/less beer going on in my gut at this point. Sorry for the cruddy cell phone pic – I’ll get my DSLR pics loaded up soon!

*Everything went awesome with my first official midwife appointment today. They even have a crappy old u/s machine that they let us get checks from for free (that’s right – F.R.E.E.!!!), and I got to see the little RockStar kicking and punching and rolling around. SO. AWESOME. First time I’ve seen him/her in nearly a month – so glad to know that everything is okay.

We didn’t do measurements or anything, but on the actual screen, RockStar was clearly a little human, and you could easily see the flickering of the heart and the arms & legs kicking and punching. Totally crazy and awesome. 🙂 

*The midwife says my EDD is Dec23. I’ve seen conflicting info depending on how you count stuff with the IUI, so I think I’m still going with the 22nd and calling myself 10w today. So there. 🙂

*I refused all genetic testing today. Just didn’t want to go there, because it wouldn’t change the outcome anyway.

*We decided that in the 3rd tri I’m going to get tested for gon.horrea & clah.mydia. Not b/c I’m a dirty hussy (haha) but b/c I’d really like to decline the eye goo on the baby after birth, and I guess that’s given to prevent issues “in case” the Mom has either of those STDs. I just want to 100% be able to say I do NOT have those things so do NOT touch my baby’s eyes.

*When I was in the bathroom at the midwives’ office, I realized they have the same print framed that I have hanging in my house. I like that. 

*I have my computer back as of this afternoon!!!! 5 weeks of no computer + debilitating nausea has greatly sucked. From your phone it’s hard to read blogs, write blogs, comment on blogs…you know, all of the important stuff to daily life.  😉  Hopefully that will now change! 

How far along? 10 weeks
Size of baby? Kumquat (which we love b/c we painted a bunch of our interior walls kumquat orange!)

Total Weight Gain? who knows… ?
Maternity clothes? No, though most pants are way tight.
Sleep? Okay – better than before. I’ve been falling asleep with Enya on my iPod every night lately, and that seems to help.
Best moment this week? Seeing that the kiddo was alive and kickin!! 
Food cravings? Grapes. Vanilla ice cream w/Hershey’s chocolate syrup. Tac.o Bel.l crunchy tacos. Tart apples.

What I miss? Not much today. C is off drinking beer with our friends right now, and I def miss that socialization, but hopefully soon I’ll feel up to at least socializing, even though I can’t drink.
What I’m looking forward to? Feeling comfortable telling ppl about this pregnancy. Will I ever feel comfortable?
Weekly Wisdom: Try to trust your docs. I’m still nervous about my progesterone level dropping last week, but since they’re not worried, I’m trying not to worry either.
Milestones: I’m 1/4 of the way to meeting this child!!
Emotions: Thankful. Tired.
Symptoms: Nausea, usually accompanied by puking. Extreme fatigue. Boobs are still a little tender.

That’s all for now folks. 🙂 

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