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TVT, My First Attempt


Welcome to my first Thought Vomit Thursday… or in my case, thought vomit Wednesday. Since my weekly pregnancy updates have been on Thursdays I haven’t been participating, but that’s about to change…it’s just more likely that I’ll be posting this on a Wednesday or a Friday. Just go with it!

For those of you who are unaware, TVT was created by my friends Oak and Natalie. It’s basically an excuse to spew all of the random b.s. that’s floating around in your head but not enough to create a coherent post out of. BTW, that’s Oak’s kid in the button above – how awesome is he?! Feel free to join in if you’d like!

So without further ado, here is some of my own spectacular thought vomit!

*I just finished watching this week’s episode of G&B, and I gotta say that it’s pretty damn cool that they decided to “go to the best” for their next IVF cycle – and that it means they’re using the same fertility clinic that we did in Colorado. That is one thing I will never regret in this process. We luckily didn’t end up having to do IVF, but I firmly believe that the diagnostic care and IUI that we had done at CC.RM were top rate, and as y’all know, this IF shit is nothing to mess around with.

*I can’t stand the new top stories news feed layout on FB. Why do they have to keep switching things every week?!

*A family friend of mine has been TTC for just over a year and she just got diagnosed with diminished ovarian reserve, and her AMH and follicle count are “cause for serious concern.” If you have experience with this particular diagnosis or can point me to a good blog about it, can you please leave a link in the comments? I feel so devastated for her that she’s going to have to go down this awful IF road. 🙁

*I cannot WAIT for October 13th, because 6-7 of us TTC bloggers are getting together IRL. You all know how amazing this community of women is, and I’m stoked to be meeting a few more of you in person. That fact that it’s going to be an awesome weekend is a serious understatement.

*The outfit below was one of my favorite scores from the baby shower. The skirt is so damn cute – if we don’t have a girl, I’ll for sure be passing this on to a friend.

*I am beyond excited that the fall TV shows have started. HIMYM, DWTS, The Biggest Loser, Grey’s Anatomy… just to name a few. Our DVR is set to record a million shows right now, and it makes me happy! How sad is that? 🙂

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