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29 Weeks, and Wishing Americans Were Back to Work Already


I don’t usually talk politics on this blog, but I figured I should at least make a note in here for posterity’s sake of what’s going on in our world during this pregnancy with Rockstar. Throughout our entire time TTC and continuing throughout this pregnancy, our economy has continued in this awful downward spiral. My husband and I are both college educated, hard working people, and we spent our early 20s both working full time and feeling financially comfortable. Then this recession hit, and since we were married in 2008, there have been very few months that we have both been employed. Layoffs have hit both of our industries hard (unemployment is 10%+ in our county, and yet our cost of living is 30% higher than the American average), and we are beyond thankful for some financial help we received from my parents in this TTC journey, or I would most likely still be peeing on cheapie internet OPKs and crying that I’m not pregnant yet.  I am a pretty liberal person, and I’m a vocal Obama supporter, and it seems like Republicans do nothing but throw up unjustified roadblocks at every single turn for the past few years.

I’ve been listening to President Obama speak about the American Jobs Act all morning in his Presidential news conference, and it is just so incredibly frustrating to me that change has been so hard for us to come by in this country. We NEED change, we NEED jobs, we need the gazillionaires to pay their portion of taxes without bitching. It’s simple math. We need people to do the right thing and not vote a certain way because of freakin’ politics. Ugh.

I could go on about this for days, but this is neither the time nor the place. I just wanted to put that out there in the hopes that I’ll look back at this post and smile because it was really the bottom for us and things started getting better immediately after. One can always hope, right?


Anywho, on a positive note, today marks 29 weeks along in this pregnancy. HFS! Is it wrong that I think that every single week?! 🙂

Rockstar is the size of a butternut squash at this point (about 2.5# and just over 15″ long), and….this kiddo is kicking harder and harder every day. It actually woke me up in the middle of the night a couple of days ago because I got such a swift kick (punch?) to the pelvis. It’s awesome. I’m slightly afraid of the strength this little one will have when it’s possibly triple the size and still in my belly, but it’s still pretty freakin’ wonderful to know that he/she is healthy and kicking in there.

I weighed in at 175# this morning (same as last week, up 14# overall). I have three shifts this week, three next week, and three the following, and then I’m done, and since my activity level is greatly decreasing (no more stair stepper from hell for me, a.k.a. running to the rooftop while waitressing), I’m really trying to watch what I eat – especially by upping my veggie intake. Too bad I love my homemade pasta salad lately (garden rotini noodles, cucumber, tomatoes, pepperoni, fresh mozzarella, and fat free Italian dressing).

Also, thank you for all of the kind comments about my maternity pics – you ladies sure know how to make a girl with a rapidly expanding waist line feel good about herself! I made Nicky delete pictures that gave me a double chin, because that is definitely happening more and more these days. Yikes!

Also, thanks to your advice, I’m looking on Craig’s List for a used Dutailier glider. The vast majority of you recommended going with the quality chair, yet I just can’t justify pulling the trigger on spending that much moola right now. Luckily, I’m headed 300 miles up to the Denver area next week to have a 4 day blogger meetup with Amanda, Oak, Natalie, BU, Kelly, and E (via skype), and the Denver Craig’s List has a couple possible option for about $200. Not the color or style I wanted exactly, but much more in my price range. Hopefully something pans out! Thanks so much for all your help/suggestions/opinions – I don’t know what I’d do without you ladies. 🙂

PS – it is SNOWING OUT right now. Yikes!!! First snow of the season.

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