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36 Weeks and Thankful


I’m officially in the 9th month of pregnancy, and for that I am obnoxiously, overwhelmingly, insanely thankful.

This isn’t going to be a bulleted thankful post by any means. I’m cranky. I’m overtired. I’m feeling huge and uncomfortable. The carpal tunnel blows, and there is rarely a position I’m comfortable sitting or lying in anymore. I can definitely see how people are so incredibly ready at the end to get the kid out and to move on to the next stage.

That being said, I’m always thankful that I even have these things to bitch about. Capisce? I’m so excited to get to hold this baby in my arms – words can’t even explain it!

RockStar now weighs roughly 6# and is about 18.5″ long (the size of a crenshaw melon). Of course the exact size can vary widely from baby to baby at this point, but I’d believe there’s a six pounder in there, just based on the insanely full feeling in my belly!

I weighed in at 183# this morning (the same as last week, up 22# overall). A fellow blogger mentioned to me last week that she actually quit gaining at the end because it was so hard to eat thanks to the heartburn. I can definitely see this happening to me. My Mom also lost weight at the end (and she had me a couple weeks early), so maybe I’m just taking after her. One can always hope! 🙂

General Symptoms – Heartburn, carpal tunnel, peeing every hour, constant congestion/runny nose, etc. Nothing too crazy all on it’s own – I think it just starts wearing me down all together, especially because those symptoms all together mean very little sleep for me. I seriously fell out of bed last night rolling over in discomfort. Scared the shit out of me, and Charlie didn’t notice a thing! LOL

At my checkup this week, they did the StrepB test (which will be good for 5 weeks – I don’t have results yet), and the gonorrhea and chlamydia tests (so we can opt out of the standard application of eye goop at birth). I measured at 35w (I was 35w5d), and the baby’s heartbeat was in the 150s. She said I “might be dilated to 1cm,” but since she wasn’t specifically doing a check of that she wasn’t sure. Kind of cool to think we’re getting close though!

I had a little breakdown on Monday night to Charlie… I’m just TIRED, and I think the combination of the pregnancy symptoms + being home alone all day not working or seeing people = sad hormonal pregnant woman. I’m trying to get out of the house more on walks, etc. to combat that. Thankfully we’ve had great weather lately (50s and sunny today instead of -10 and freezing like last Thanksgiving!), so it’s doable to get outside still. Check out this profile!

Finally, I am thankful for the little things we’re starting to get together around the house. Charlie put up Christmas lights for the first time (and i LOOOOOOVE Christmas lights), we started getting the nursery put together and the closets reorganized with rods and shelving to make room for baby stuff (though there is lots of organizing and decorating to do in the room itself), and we finally have a kitchen table after 1 1/2 yrs of living here without one!

We’re getting a bookshelf from IKEA to store a bunch of the stuffed animals and books on
(they’re in boxes in the far corner right now).
The custom width cordless cellular blackout shade was spendy, but worth every penny I’m sure!
The dutailier glider + nursing ottoman was a Craig’s List score ($200 instead of $600+ new).
The dresser/changing table was also a Craig’s List score ($50 + the $20 we spent painting it).
The convertible crib was a baby shower gift from my MIL’s friends. So nice of them! 

This custom pub height table was built by the same guy who built our cabinets for the house when we first moved in (Charlie did a trade and built him a shed in exchange for the table).
We obviously still need chairs, but baby steps people!
The chandelier was a freebie from one of MIL’s friends (it used to be an ugly gold light fixture from the 90s). We’re going to replace the sconce covers eventually as well. 
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