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Pumping Session #1


I started writing this post on Monday, but my computer is no longer working and our iPad doesn’t work with blogger correctly for writing posts, so my posting is going to be pretty sparse until a new computer is purchased and delivered. I feel LOST!!

As you can probably tell by the picture above, I started pumping on Monday morning after Stella ate about 7am. Not bad – about 2oz total for the first day! Tuesday was just under 1oz total (she had just eaten a ton on both sides), and today (Wed) was about 2 1/2 oz total. Apparently 1/2 – 2 oz total is normal for pumping totals, especially in the beginning, so I’m pretty happy with my numbers!

As I type this, Charlie is home with her trying to give her the first bottle ever (the small one from yesterday), and *fingers crossed* that she has no problems with it, OR with switching back to my boobs. She’ll be 4w tomorrow, and it would be SO nice if I could get away for more than 45 minutes at a time to run errands.

Don’t get me wrong – I actually love the connection I feel when she’s breastfeeding, and I love looking down at her in the middle of the night as she eats – I seriously do. I just miss a little bit of the freedom, and I know my husband would honestly love to be able to feed her sometimes!

On a totally selfish note, it’s my 30th birthday two weeks from Friday, and the goal is to have enough pumped and to have a baby who takes bottles easily enough that grandma can watch her and my husband and I can go out for a nice dinner and drinks!!

If anyone is wondering, check out the website below if you’re having any issues/questions regarding breastfeeding and pumping. It’s SO amazingly helpeful!

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