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I Took the Plunge!


Well, today was a crazy, crazy day. My goal was to get it all done, and I did. I am seriously proud of this fact, because shit just takes longer now days, and that is a hard fact for me to get used to.

7am – Woke up (after sleeping in past 5:45 – yay!), brushed teeth, ate breakfast (these things don’t always all get done, oops), woke Stella up, changed her, nursed her, pumped, worked out, showered (with Stella), got ready, got out the door.

The goal was 11am – I was out the door at 10:58!

Drove 30 miles, went to the grocery store, the bank (meanwhile surviving an epic breakdown by Stella), the liquor store, and Target…drove 30 miles back home, unloaded groceries, and got to to the hairdresser’s by 2pm.

Done by 2:02pm!

My good friend Mary (who is 35w pregnant) was there for a pedicure, and she stayed in order to hold/entertain both the hairdresser’s baby and my child, who were born 3 weeks apart Too funny.  🙂
Stella decided to sleep in a super awkward position, as always. 🙂 
 My hairdresser’s house – not a bad view!
 I then chopped off more hair then I left on… um yikes. 
Please excuse the no makeup look. That’s the look du jour lately. *sigh*

So far, the jury is out on what I think. I am definitely planning on going back for blonde highlights, and I need to learn how to style it. I think it will be good once I get used to it, but in the meantime, holy shit, it’s the shortest I’ve had my hair in 20 years!!

I finished out the day by stopping by my friend Marissa’s house and having a couple beers and some girl chat, and now I’m home while Charlie cooks a late dinner. What a day!

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