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Stella Times…Week 11


My Dearest Daughter,

You are 11 weeks old today, and still – every single time I look down at you, I think about how I am so, so thankful that you are here and a part of our lives.  Every day. Every single day I think that.

Last Saturday you had your first fall, and it scared the crap out of all of us. I was sitting on the couch doing taxes, and you were laying next to me on the couch getting some sun. One minute you were there, and the next….*THUMP*…you weren’t. I looked over and you were face down on the floor next to the couch, and there was an awful split second of silence before the cry began. It. Was. Awful. Your poor Dad even thought I had dropped you! You didn’t want to quit crying, so to figure out if you were actually hurt or just shocked, I went into the bathroom and started the tub. You instantly stopped crying. *LOL* We still gave you a little tylenol, then a warm bath and a good nursing… and all was right in your world again. I am so, so sorry we let you fall baby.

Later that day, your Papa S called to have us meet him for a beer, so your Daddy went down there and you and I walked down to meet him. Papa S was stoked to get to hold you and get some Stells bells cuddle time. 🙂

You picked that afternoon to start talking and talking and talking as well – everyone in the restaurant kept coming up to us and commenting about how darn cute it was how much you liked to talk! I hope people always think that. 🙂 

After we got home, we tried putting you down in the crib because you were fast asleep. That lasted about 90 seconds – you do not like that big, open space (and I gotta say, I don’t like how tiny you look in there – you look much more comfy snuggled up in my arms!).

On Monday I got my hair chopped off… I barely recognize myself, but it is SO much easier to handle with you in my life – not to mention the awesome side benefits that you can no longer puke in it or pull on it while you’re nursing. 🙂

You are becoming more and more expressive every week, my child. You’ll give me a little pensive look, followed quickly by the biggest grin. I love it!

You started finding your thumb this week, though you only do it when your Dad is cuddling with you while I cook dinner. I haven’t managed to get a great picture of it yet, but your Daddy and I both kinda like that you can self soothe yourself a little now, plus you’re darn cute doing it!

At night, you’re starting to go longer and longer stretches without waking up to eat, and even when you do, it’s usually a quick 10 minute snack and you’re back out cold. This allows me to get more and more sleep, which I really appreciate.

You’re just a pretty awesome baby all around, my dear. 🙂


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