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Stella Times…Week 26

Wow Bells Bells, 
26 weeks ago..and tomorrow, exactly six months ago, your arrival changed our lives forever.
Below are some observations from the past week… 
The Columbines in our front yard seem even more beautiful when you’re around to enjoy them. 
Walking in to see you conked out in the middle of our big bed like this makes my heart melt.

Getting ready to attend a wedding is much more time consuming (and exciting!) when you are around…and it’s the first time your Daddy and I have ever left an open bar wedding at 8:30pm. 🙂

You make me think about the wonder in the little things.
You make our family…our family!
You stand up at the doctor’s office now… and it seems like only yesterday that you were a tiny 4 days old in your car seat.
You love to sit up in your bath and play with your toys…and I’m sure you could have been doing this weeks ago, but it just occurred to me this week to let you try!

…and you even have your own pool!

Chewing on everything is your favorite past time lately…especially if you can be sitting up while you do it.

…and tonight, when I was taking your 26 week pictures, you rolled from your front to your back for the first time, almost exactly one month after rolling from your back to your front for the first time. I know some babies roll earlier, but you’re just so happy sitting up and checking out your surroundings, and so far Momma has enjoyed that you stay where I put you. I’m sure that once you start moving, you are never going to stop.

At the doctor’s office this week, you were 27″ long (91st percentile!), weighed 16#12oz (64th percentile), and had a head circumference of 17.5″ (96th percentile). You are easily in 9mo clothes, and even some 12mo. Holy crap! You are such a healthy, growing girl, and we are so thankful for that.

I love you so much, Stella.

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