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Stella Times…31 Weeks

My Stella Bella, 

It’s been an interesting week in the S* household. You cut your first tooth this week (bottom left), and the picture above pretty much shows what you think about that. No fun.

Luckily, last weekend we hit up your first baseball game, pre-tooth drama, and you were a total champ. It was hot as heck, but with a couple of shade breaks, you totally hung in there!

On Tuesday, our normal daycare arrangements fell through, so you went to work with Momma for a bit in the morning before Liam’s Mommy saw my message and came in to get you. You did SO great. Thank you!!

Every day we take videos of you, now, because you are SO close to crawling. You have already figured out that you can go from a seated position to swan-diving for toys and move a heck of a lot. I cannot imagine how much you’ll be moving in the near future. Eek!!

Love you so much, 


— Oooh, I forgot to add that you gave yourself a pretty good shiner this week. I set you in the swing in our bedroom while I grabbed something, and you sat yourself up, pushed, and toppled head over heels onto the floor. Unfortunately, instead of just hitting the carpet, you hit the bar that is the base of the swing. Ugh. Sorry baby.

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