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The Monday Snapshot – Cow Milk Edition


On Saturday we did a family trip to the grocery store, and while we were there I decided to pick up some organic whole milk with Vitamin D for Stella. She has been EBF thus far (except for 3mL of organic formula on day 2 of her life so they’d let us out of the damn hospital), so it was pretty bittersweet to think of giving her any other type of milk. However, for the past month we have been nursing morning and night and supplementing with two 4oz bottles from my freezer stash during the day, so I’m suddenly down to my last 30oz or so, and it was time to take the plunge!

For now, the plan is to give her a breast milk bottle after her morning nap and a glass of whole milk after her afternoon nap – that will extend the amount of time she is getting breastmilk for a little bit longer. Or, as I type this, I guess I could save the breast milk in the freezer stash to use once we’ve morning and night weaned just to make sure she’s getting the immune benefits as long as possible? Hm…. hadn’t though of that. At any rate, we gave her a glass of cold cow’s milk straight out of the fridge on Saturday, and girl CHUGGED it down. I guess it was only a hard transition for Mommy…

Tossing it back like her parents!

Heading into a new year with a new kind of milk. My little girl is growing up…


This is part of a weekly feature called The Monday Snapshot over at PAIL.
Click here to join in and learn a little more about Maggie this week!

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