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Les Questions


Over at PAIL we are currently running a little lighthearted 20 questions survey to help us get to know more about everyone! Also, you totally don’t have to be on the PAIL Blogroll to participate. Just answer the 20 questions below and link up by Thursday! I’d love to get to know a little more about each of you. Below are my stream of consciousness answers to the questions – no editing. Enjoy. 🙂

Les Réponses…

  1. What was the last thing you threw in the garbage/recycling? A beer can, I’m sure of it. Usually of the Bud/Bud Light variety, though lately we’ve been going “recession buster” and buying 30 packs of Busch/Busch Light instead because they’re cheaper. I know, it’s sad. Quantity over quality in our house. Are we in college? 🙂 On the up side, Busch Light has less calories than Bud Light (95 instead of 110), and I like it less, so I usually drink it slower. Win/Win!
  2. What’s the #1 most played song on your iPod? Adele – Rolling in the Deep – because it settles Stella down in the car. 🙂
  3. What is your favorite quote? You can’t outwork a crappy diet. – Okay, that’s not my favorite, but it’s just SO DAMN TRUE.
  4. What chore do you absolutely hate doing? Cleaning baseboards. Heads up – it doesn’t happen in my house. Sorry.
  5. What is your favorite form of exercise? Hot yoga, when I get around to it! Lately the elliptical is a lifesaver. SNOWBOARDING! How could I forget that?!
  6. What is your favorite time of day/day of the week/month of the year? May. here in Colorado, things are still green, the river is running (yay for rafting!), and the days are longer every day – perfect for having drinks on the back deck with friends.
  7. What is on your bedside table? Alarm clock (that I haven’t used since Stella was born), a Kleenex box, glass of water, chapstick, Simplicity Parenting, cell phone. Boring, I know.
  8. What is your favorite body part? My smile. Is that a body part?
  9. Would you use the power of invisibility for good or evil? Elaborate. Evil. I’d totally be playing pranks on my husband.
  10. If you could choose to stay a certain age forever, what age would it be? 31. This age is pretty great. I have a great husband, awesome daughter, close family, good friends, and my health. Not bad, right?! A close second is 22. That’s the year I lived in France (YAY!), traveled a ton, and came to Colorado on vacation and met my husband. That was a good year too. 🙂
  11. What is the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Pay off my mortgage and the mortgages of all of my close friends and family members. How sweet would that be to not stress about living costs?!
  12. What is your biggest pet peeve? Slow drivers.
  13. If you could know the answer to any question, what would it be? Will we have more kids?
  14. At what age did you become an adult? 28. That’s when we bought a house, I quit a job I hated with no foreseeable job opportunity in the future, and we got diagnosed with IF. Just lots of heavy, expensive stuff. Nothing like bills to make you feel like an adult, right? 😉
  15. Recommend a book, movie, or television show in three sentences or less. Revenge – it’s totally my guilty pleasure to watch on ABC (and what I was watching the night I went into labor with Stells!). Beautiful people, travel, good old fashioned hand to hand combat, and revenge. I love it!
  16. What did you do growing up that got you into trouble? Ha. I was a goody two shoes. Teased my sisters? Was slightly late for my 10pm curfew?
  17. What was the first album you bought with your own money? Hm… I got Alanis Morissette (Jagged Little Pill) and Ace of Base I believe for Christmas 1995. It was awesome.
  18. If someone wrote a book about you, what would be the title? Bitch could drink. j/k 😉 Friend to All!
  19. What story do you wish your family would stop telling about you? Hm… maybe the time I came home from college on break freshman year and looked around at all of the clutter everywhere (I was always the neat freak) and exclaimed, “How do you people LIVE like this?!” I seriously spent the weekend cleaning and organizing. Type A much?
  20. True or false: The unicorn is the greatest mythical creature. State your case. Hm… YES. Because they’re pretty and remind me of My Little Pony and horses are cool. DONE!

Check out everyone else’s posts here!

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