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Semi-Wordless Wednesday


Courtney wrote a great post yesterday about how Everything is Temporary. She talked about her laid back parenting philosophy, and I’d have to say that I have somehow ended up the same way. I’m not an especially laid back person in general, but in parenting? Meh. We pretty much roll with the punches in our house. This morning I was getting ready for work and I realized that Stella had figured out that if she stands at the top of the stairs and throws the ball, it goes a LONG way and Chief really has to run for it. She thought it was awesome, and Chief actually got some exercise for once! Sure, I told her to make sure she was careful and to hold onto the wall when she was throwing, but… I just kinda let her keep doing it. It was probably a little dangerous, but I also believe that kids need to learn to respect the danger around them – not be bubble wrapped and kept away from all of it. Is that crazy?

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