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11 Weeks


So apparently my little lime sized fetus now enjoys a 1:1 body/head ratio at this point. Kiddo – if you are anything like your big sis, this will continue for awhile (she had the head circumference of your average 2 year old at her 12mo well child check). Big brains for the win!

I’m down 1.5# from my BFP weight, and down 2.3# from the little blip up I had around 5/6 weeks before I started feeling so horribly vomiting all day every day. I have started going up in the past 10 days though, due largely in part to the fact that I am now puking only every day or two (while still having all day nausea) and food actually (sometimes) sounds good to me again. I’m blaming the baby for my impulse purchase of squeeze cheese yesterday after work. My God it was divine. My belly circumference hasn’t changed, but it still somehow looks more…substantial(?)…in clothing. I suppose it’s getting firmer instead of being just a jiggly beer belly. Wishful thinking? Not working out for the past six weeks has nothing to do with it I’m sure. 😛

Last Friday we got to see this kiddo on the ultrasound machine, and WOW was it a relief to hear that heartbeat and see the little arms waving around. It’s hard to believe that something so tiny is totally taking over my body already! This is definitely feeling more “real” now that I’ve seen the gummy bear floating on a screen. Every day that passes gives us a little more confidence that we’ll actually be a family of 4 come this winter. #Insane


In other pregnancy news, 3 of my 4 hugely pregnant friends had their babies in the past week – only my coworker is left standing pregnant now. She is using my HypnoBabies material – I can’t wait to hear all about her experience! One of the other ladies just did a home waterbirth (her 2nd) here in town with the midwife we are going to be using. (Note to self – get midwife post written!) I’m dying to hear about her experience as well.

Like I mentioned a couple of weeks ago, there is suddenly a plethora of newly pregnant friends in my little circle of friends. This is fairly amazing considering I live in a town of 1,000 people and have very few close girlfriends. I literally have ONE close friend who isn’t pregnant right now (and I think she and her hubby are about to embark on TTC#1!). I can only imagine what a mess I’d have been if this crazy wonderful surprise pregnancy hadn’t happened for us when it did. I found out last week that another one of my friends (her daughter is 12d older than Stella) is also pregnant again. She has struggled with some pretty severe RPL in the past (including a late 2nd tri loss), and apparently she’s had a couple losses again while TTC#2, so she had been keeping this news close to the vest until her u/s last week. Thankfully they saw a heartbeat last Wednesday (at about 8w) so we are all busy praying that this one sticks for her. My BFF also got to see the heartbeat of her little embaby yesterday (she’s at about 7w now). So ya, that’s 7w, 9w, 11w for the three of us. Still praying my friend who miscarried a couple of weeks ago gets pregnant again soon without issues. Thankfully she has been the fertile myrtle of the group in the past, but I can’t imagine how hard it will be for her to be around all of us otherwise. 🙁

So that’s that. I’m taking belly pics, but probably won’t post a link to that page until I’m leaving the 1st tri. You know, in case I jinx anything. *knocking head on wall*

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