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23 Weeks


Wowzers – time is just getting away from me lately, and honestly, I just haven’t had much to blog about. I’m working on a long, involved post about my research regarding the choices we have regarding all of the testing done during pregnancy, but other than that, I’m really just enjoying this part of the pregnancy and spending a lot of time with my husband and daughter and our friends. It’s nice to be so relaxed about things and to be in the “easy” part for a little while. So far I’ve buried my head in the sand about figuring out maternity leave, paying the bills, and the logistics of taking care of 2 kids, but at least physically, I’m doing pretty well lately!

I’m feeling little man move more and more, and last weekend he was kicking (punching?) so hard I could see it on the outside of my belly! Sadly, Charlie & Stella haven’t been around at the right moment to feel it yet, but I’m sure they will soon. The heartburn is getting worse, but chewing on papaya enzyme tablets seems to be helping with that a bit at least. I’m still really tired at night, but if I wake up in the middle of the night, I will usually be up for an hour. Ugh.

I’m up to 173# (12# gain) compared to 170# at this point last time, and my belly has seriously popped lately. Thankfully, I’ve been doing really well about getting out and doing my C210k run 2x/week (it takes about an hour usually) and trying to get on the elliptical 1-2x/week, so at least I’m doing some exercise. It’s better than nothing, since I spend 35+ hrs/week sitting at a desk job. I really want to be as healthy & strong as possible when it comes time for delivery!

Funnily enough, I just read back over my 23w post from this point in my pregnancy with Stella, and I had decided to hire a cleaning lady for the first time ever to help out with cleaning the bathrooms and kitchen. Some mis-communication happened and I was a little peeved and she never showed up and I never called her to reschedule. Now, 2 years later, she is coming today to my house for the (actual) first time, and I spent two hours before work this morning frantically cleaning so that she wouldn’t see what a pig sty my house had become! LOL. I’m hoping it’s totally worth the $40/month to not have to deep clean my bathrooms and kitchen the rest of this pregnancy.

**PS – I just found out that my BFF here is having a little boy as well! (due 1 month after me) This is the same friend who had the m/c issues when we were both TTC for #1. I’m so excited for her!

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