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The Monday Snapshot – Toddler Bed Transition



Well, my lovely husband decided out of the blue to take the front of Stella’s crib off yesterday morning, even though she has not tried to climb out of the crib since the incident 6 weeks ago when she climbed/fell out and we had a talk about not climbing out so we don’t get hurt.

I am really fucking nervous not exactly on board with changing up Stella’s sleep habits RIGHT as her little brother is scheduled to make his appearance, but we’ll see how this goes. He was excited to show her the “big girl bed” set-up and she was excited to climb into/out of it herself … I’m worried about being the one to deal with middle of the night wake-ups on top of infant nursing duty since he never hears her when she wakes up in the middle of the night. *sigh*

So far I’ve thankfully been proven wrong and things are going okay. Charlie laid her down at noon for her nap yesterday before leaving for a friend’s house, and at 2pm she walked out of the room to tell me she needed to go to the bathroom (which she did). Normally she sleeps an hour longer than that, but two hours isn’t bad for a nap. Last night was more of a struggle because she didn’t want to lay down for me, so I walked out and made Daddy deal with it. Somehow he talked her into it, and she slept from 7:30-7:30! She woke up once at 5:15 and I heard her coughing & talking to herself, but then she went back to sleep and slept later than normal, so I’ll take it! It was very bizarre to have her walk into the bathroom at 7:30 while Charlie was in the shower & I was brushing my teeth to tell us she was awake and needed to go pee. She’s just such a KID now!

FX the transition continues to be a smooth one and not an added stress as we near this baby’s birthing time…

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