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The Monday Snapshot – Scissors Edition


Yesterday, on Mother’s Day morning, I had my brother take a quick snapshot of us before church. It’s hard to get us all looking at the camera and smiling at the same time, but we got a pretty cute one. Little did I know it’d be the last one of Stella with her long hair!
After church and lunch with Charlie’s parents, I put Harvey down for nap in their room, and Charlie put Stella down for a nap in our room. Well, an hour or two later, she appeared at the top of the stairs with a stack of hair in her hand. What followed was tears…lots and lots of tears. I think it started because I was upset with her (I literally just had this conversation with her last week about how she was never allowed to use scissors to cut anyone’s hair), and it escalated when she realized that her short hair wouldn’t magically be long again and she could no longer have an Elsa braid. You know, priorities.

I tried to straighten the back out as best I could, but there’s a section on the left of her head that is only an inch long, so yeah…that will take a good long while to grow out. *sigh* Charlie got her to cheer up by having her “help” him plant some flowers, and though she was still sad and mopey all afternoon, I think a little fresh air and sunshine helped her immensely.

I’m really not stoked about the new shorter ‘do and how long it will take to grow out, but I still think they’re pretty damn cute. 🙂

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