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My First IComLeavWe Post!


This is my very first IComLeavWe, and I’m excited to meet all of you ladies!

First, a little about me. My husband and I just celebrated our 2 year anniversary on Monday (yay!) and our 1 yr anniversary of deciding to try for a baby (boo!). We live in southwest Colorado in the middle of the mountains with our two dogs and are busy trying to expand our little family. 

You can read my whole TTC history here, but basically, we’re just now crossing into the dreaded 1 yr of trying wasteland called Infertility. This is my 6th cycle in the past year and only the 1st or 2nd time I’ve ovulated.

I went to the doc back in February (a regular Ob/Gyn because the closest RE is 300+ miles away, not good) and after a battery of tests, they diagnosed me with “probable” PCOS – whatever the hell that means. 

Basically, I wasn’t ovulating, my periods were irregular to non-existent (that particular 118d cycle was finally ended thanks to Provera), and though my blood work came back “in the normal range” and I don’t have any other symptoms really, the doc thinks he saw a ring of peals on my ovaries, so he’s going with PCOS. 

Oh how I wish I lived close to an RE…and that I had insurance that covered Infertility treatment…though maybe not in that order.

At this point, I just got my very first 7dpo progesterone draw results back yesterday, and even though I’m on 100mg of Clomid this cycle, my levels were only at 8.8. Nurse lady said that’s good & means I’ve ovulated… though from what I’m reading, that’s way too low for a medicated cycle. Any help/opinions on this would be greatly appreciated! If I get a BFN this cycle, I’m calling her back to push for 150mg I think… 

This cycle I’m on 100mg Clomid, tracking BBT, doing weekly acupuncture, taking Chinese herbs, drinking FertiliTea, using FertileCM, and listening to my Circle+Bloom Mind/Body fertility meditation program. Sounds like a lot when I type it out, but it’s just normal life now days I guess. 🙂

So here I sit…CD43 – 13dpo – in the dreaded 2ww. I tested last weekend (early, I know, but vainly hoping for a BFP to tell my family in person since my husband and I had flown home for the weekend) and am trying to control myself to not test again until tomorrow. BFNs are just too hard to take.

At any rate, thanks for stopping by and for the comment love – I can’t wait to check out all of your blogs! 

**edit** I scheduled this post from last night. Unfortunately, this morning my temp dropped below the coverline and there was a hint of pink on the TP, so I’m guessing this will probably end up being CD1 for me. *sigh* I definitely think I’m going to call my Ob/Gyn and try to push for 150mg Clomid this next cycle (Clomid cycle 4). I pray that we will be one of the lucky ones that will “only” have to deal with Clomid and not ART, but hope is harder and harder to come by with each passing cycle and BFN. When will this waiting game finally be over for us? 🙁

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