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CD1 – On to Bigger & Better (more expensive) Things


Well, I didn’t have much hope because this doesn’t seem like it’s going to happen “naturally” for us, but it’s official today – no surprise BFP just before we take the step to talk to an RE on the 26th.

My temps were all over the place this past cycle. I’m not sure if that’s because I was traveling so much or what. Bizarre. I ovulated CD25 and had an 11 day LP, so it was a 36 day cycle. That’s pretty typical for me (and still outside the realm considered “normal” unfortunately). Of the seven cycles I’ve had that were kind of normal, I ovulated between CD19-30, had LPs of 11-13 days, and had cycle lengths of 30-42 days.
In 18 months of TTC, I’ve only had 11 cycles.
Of 11 cycles, I’ve only ovulated in 8 of them. 
Of 8 ovulations, I’ve had 8 BFNs. 
It’s definitely time to figure out why my body can’t get pregnant. We’re timing everything well, doing everything we can, and still not a single BFP in 18 months. It’s so incredibly frustrating. I’m so tired of trying…and crying.

SO, the plan going forward is this:
On Wednesday the 26th I’m going to have my initial phone consult with a RE from CCRM (Dr. Surrey). Everything I’ve read and researched says that he and Dr. Schoolcraft are the absolute best. I’m excited about this. 🙂 The phone consult will cost us around $250 if I remember right. Totally worth it at this point – and definitely the cheapest part of this whole process since absolutely no diagnostic work or treatment is covered through our insurance. Have I mentioned that I hate insurance?
After we’ve gone over everything with the RE, he’ll let us know when he wants us to come up for testing. I was told they’ll want CD3 bloodwork and a full workup between CD5-13 (scared about the OOP cost of this, but what can you do – this is when they’d do an HSG, etc). The problem with this is that I’ll already be CD10 when I do my initial consult, so I’ll probably have to wait until the following CD3 to start all the testing. My husband leaves for ND for work on my CD15 and will be gone until my CD30…so this is basically a blown cycle since I ovulate between CD19-30. *sigh*
Also, his work stuff has gotten changed up, so it’s going to be 14 days on, 14 days off, repeat. It’s great that he’ll be home more, but that also means that depending on if I have a 30 or 42 day cycle, he could CONSISTENTLY be gone during O time. @#$^&%*(@%
I hope he gets a job around here soon so we can both pay the mortgage AND work on getting knocked up. This either/or shit sucks ass.
So that was my morning. How’s yours? 😉
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