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Kate & Will


I’ve been thinking about Kate and Will a lot lately…though I suppose that’s fairly obvious since they are Kate & Will in my mind — and not Kathryn and Prince William. 🙂 In fact, I just watched William & Kate on Lifetime the other day, and I’ve already set my DVR to record the “pre-wedding” and the wedding itself next Friday. The coverage starts at 1am, and I am not going to miss it! This coming from someone who does not watch E! News or record the red carpet for awards shows, but I’ll be damned if I’m going to miss a second of the Royal Wedding. LOL

But seriously, I cannot imagine their lives. I wouldn’t want their lives.

Don’t get me wrong, I would love to be able to spend so much time traveling and donating time to causes…but having the world judge me on every step I make? Wow. No thanks.

Elphaba @ Yolk wrote a great post about the pressure the (soon-to-be) princess is under to produce an heir. Go read her post and then come back. You back? Great.

I say “under” – not “going to be under,” because she made a great point that Kate has probably already undergone fertility testing to ensure she can (hopefully) produce an heir to the throne. ACK! Seriously?! Can you even imagine?

William is 5 months and 1 day younger than me. Kate is 11 days older than me. My husband is 22 days older than me. For all intents and purposes, we are all the same age. Heck, we’re basically the same people… save the whole royalty thing.

Wow, my head is titled weird in that pic, but you get the idea.
Also, you get that I’m joking about being the same people, right? I wish I looked like her!
I just love that my Charles and William, son of Charles, resemble each other. 🙂

At any rate, I think about what we’ve gone through emotionally over the past two years, and I cringe to think what would happen to them if they were put in a similar situation. You know it wouldn’t be all love and support and roses around them – at least not from the thousands of people who wouldn’t know why she wasn’t knocked up yet. Think of what she’s living up to – depending on her cycle, Will’s Mom got a BFP on her second or third cycle post nuptials. Is it creepy that I actually counted back the weeks to figure that out? *sigh* IF is a weird disease.

The other question in my mind is “What if they didn’t WANT to start TTC yet?”

I’m guessing that’s not an option.

The silver lining in all of this has to do with equal rights. It seems like the British Royalty is finally trying to update their law regarding the throne.

How sad that it only took until 2011 to think that WOW, maybe a first born GIRL shouldn’t have less rights than a first born BOY. Genius. Kudos to them though for finally taking the steps to update that antiquated law.

I leave you with one final totally unrelated picture from my wedding, just because it’s my blog and it makes me smile to look at pictures from that day. 🙂 

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