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9 weeks, and multi-colored yawns


This was supposed to go up two days ago, but there was no way in hell that was happening. More on that in a sec… 

How far along? 9 weeks
Size of baby? Cherry tomato

Total Weight Gain? 3#
Maternity clothes? If I ever got out of yoga pants, probably. My belly is super bloated & my boobs are definitely bigger.
Sleep? Not great. Very restless, and definitely peeing once a night at least. 
Best moment this week? Um, really?
Food cravings? Changes every day…as does what I can keep down. Sometimes quinoa helps. Yesterday I craved KFC, but since it’s 30 miles away, I didn’t get it. I think my hubby almost had a heart attack when I texted him about it though because it was so out of character for me!
What I miss? Feeling well enough to be social. Drinking beer. This will be a theme this pregnancy, I promise. 😉
What I’m looking forward to? Feeling pregnant, and not just like death.
Weekly Wisdom: Be careful what you wish for…(as in morning sickness)
Milestones: The kiddo is actually looking like a baby in pictures now and not some alien type thing!
Emotions: Cranky. Tired. Overwhelmed.
Symptoms: You name it, I probably have it. 

After that little synopsis, you’re probably getting the clue that I’m still not feeling great. As a quick disclaimer, I’m not feeling as horrid as One Day (the poor girl has confirmed hyperemesis gravidarum), but I’m super worried I’m headed that direction. In the meantime, she needs all the support she can get – please head on over and give her a boost if you get a second!

I’ve been hesitant to write this post b/c I’ve read plenty of fellow Ifers rantings bout “thoughtless” women who get their BFP and have “forgotten” what it’s like to be in IF hell still. Believe me, I haven’t forgotten. I still pray for you all. I pray for my own pregnancy to continue and for a healthy baby to be in my arms come Christmas.

That being said, I cannot explain how awful this has been. 

I’ve read about so many women who LOVED being pregnant, and I know that many assume those “other women” that complained were just weak. Whiners. Ungrateful (probably fertile) bitches. I’ve followed other IFers blogs through their pregnancies and always felt bad for them that they felt the need to apologize for not loving their nausea and their bloated feet…but still, I’ve always wished I could experience those symptoms because it would mean that I, myself, was pregnant.

Well, call me what you will, but so far, this sucks. 

*It feels like I’ve had a severe case of the flu and food poisoning for three weeks straight now, with no end in sight. My body hurts. My head aches. I’m exhausted but can’t sleep. Fun, huh?

*I’m supposed to be starting my new summer job this weekend, and I had to call in the past two days b/c there is NO WAY I’m going that far from my own bathroom. No way I can be chipper and happy and work around food. I have no idea when I will be able to work, and I’m starting to worry what my new boss is going to think of me (he has no idea about the baby).
*If you’re someone who “felt a little nauseous” in the mornings, you have no idea what I’m talking about. THAT was the m/s I was hoping for. You know, to “reassure me” that the little one was doing well. However, I’m here to tell you that: 
when you are nauseous… 
when you are actually puking 3-5x/day…
when you are starving but afraid to eat because you know it will come right back up…
when you find yourself sobbing in the shower b/c you just puked all over yourself…
when the thought of having to leave your house terrifies you, because OHMYGODWHEREWILLIPUKE? 
when you feel like that, it sucks. 
*Excuse me for the TMI, but I also haven’t shit in 8 days (since the day I started my anti-nausea meds…yes, I’m on meds, and they have helped to the extent that lately I probably puke 2x/day instead of 4-5). There is no way this is helping my tummy to feel better. 

I’m sorry for the debbie downer, super depressing, not so feel-good post, but this is how I am feeling, so I wanted to be honest and document it. My computer is also STILL not fixed (another story for another day, ugh), and this is also the first time I’ve left my house in days, so I figured I’d better get a blog post up to reassure those of you who have been contacting me, worried about my lack of posting. Thank you lovelies for worrying. I am sick, but as far as I know, that means the baby is fine, and that is good. 

I am thankful I am pregnant. 
I am thankful I am 9w2d and will get to meet this little life sucker in approximately 31 more weeks.
I am thankful I have a husband who has been so amazing this past month. Whether I’m needing chicken noodle soup or ice cream or absolutely complete darkness and silence…he’s on top of it.
I am thankful I don’t have to start full-time work until mid-June (week 13) when I’m hoping I’ll feel better.
I am thankful I am pregnant. Bottom line. 

Being this sick just sucks. Balls. And that was the point of this post. 

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