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Girls’ Night!

Girls’ Night last night with Mommy & Auntie! 🙂
Happy girl!

Stella has been supremely fussy the past few days (mostly in the late afternoon), and we’ve been trying to figure out what’s going on. I ate cabbage on Tuesday and Wednesday this week, and so the bottles she had on Thursday and Friday were pumped from those days that cabbage was in my system, so we are thinking that maybe she was a little extra gassy from that or something. (note to self, cut out gassy foods like cabbage, apples, and beans while breastfeeding)

Normally Stella takes a couple short naps throughout the day (20 minutes or so at a time), though we’ve been trying to get her to sleep longer by swaddling her for naps. Yesterday, though, she took a 1 hour nap, a 2 1/2 hour nap, and another 1 hr nap — all before 3:30!! I checked her temp and it was normal, and after all that sleeping, she woke up a different baby. She was still a little fussy, just wanting lots of attention and movement, but overall, she was a happy baby again, and her auntie and I enjoyed a little girl time together last night.

Here’s hoping that whatever was wrong with her she was able to “sleep” out of her system!

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