Truthful Sunday…

I know I know, that title isn’t gimmicky and doesn’t rhyme or work at all really, but SRB’s recent post #momfail made me want to post this picture to y’all today (seriously – go read her post now, it’s a good one).

My parents were just here from Wednesday afternoon until this morning, and I spent some time this morning editing pictures (aka deleting from 300 pictures down to 100 or so on the first run through!) and I came across this one. Yep, that’s the reality at my house more often than I’d care to admit. Stella is watching a show on the TV, Harvey is napping in my arms after a nursing session, and I’m checking something on my phone while reading blogs or something on the computer I’m sure. Oops.



  1. mcmissis · · Reply

    Well, Lyla (19 months) saw it and said, “Mama.” So I’d say you’re perfectly in line with new motherhood 🙂

    Also, I remember seeing an ad in Parenting magazine or something similar with a baby crawling around in a gated section of the living room while the mom drank coffee and glanced up and smiled at him over the book that she was reading. I remember thinking, “BOOK? What mom on Earth has time to read a BOOK?” So now I just remind myself of that ad when the girls are playing together in the same room as me while I look at the iPad or my phone or whatever. This, at least according to one baby gate ad designer, is the motherhood ideal! 🙂

  2. I love this and love that you shared it! I only have one kiddo and this is still the picture in our house more of the time than it should me.. minus the phone but only because I don’t have one.

  3. Quality over quantity is what I’m working on here. Yes, there’s only one child, but I’ve given myself major guilt trips over not “spending enough time” with him on the weekends after working all week. Now, I just try to devote some time where I’m playing or reading and the phone/computer is elsewhere. The rest of the time, hey, sh*t has to get done, right?

    The reality is, we don’t stop being “us” just because we’re mothers.

  4. Been there. Had both Beats turned towards the TV with bottles in their mouths while being feed in boppies. At least you’re all together.

  5. I love this picture, friend. The real life ones are the best.

  6. Guilty here too.

  7. Girl this is my house every day. I think its just the world we live in. We are surrounded by screens and technology. Add to that a toddler and newborn and they are bound to mix. Dont be hard on yourself, youre a great mom!!

  8. I don’t know what it is about that picture, but I love it. Harvey’s little hood, Stella’s curled toes, your perfectly imperfect hair…. I love it. Hopefully that’ll be me sooner rather than later – I’m so over being pregnant right now.

    You look beautiful.

    1. Hahaha. I actually love the picture as well, even though I’m literally in my PJs with unwashed hair and apparently not focusing on my kids. 🙂 I know how much time I DO spend focused on them though, so I guess that helps form my opinion of the photo!

  9. This is a common sight at our house too, as I think this pic is fabulous. 😉

  10. Great photo, thanks for sharing. I think this is a realistic picture and one that most moms can relate to. I do sometimes worry Avery gets too much tv, but I remind myself that if that is my worry, we are doing GREAT!

  11. You need your internet time and your mom time so count it as a #momwin!

  12. It looks cozy! Who took this photo? It’s great actually. I love seeing candids of real life. I was sorting through photos a while back and noticed the really intriguing ones were the unposed pics of daily life.

    Another thing…My friends and I were talking about how parenting is so hands on these days, and we only feel like we are great parents if we are giving our kids 100% of attention, but remember when we were growing up? There was a lot of playing in our rooms, outside, and playing by ourselves or siblings using imagination.

    This photo looks like good balance to me. 🙂

    1. My Mom did. It was her 300 pictures I was deleting down to 100. Grandma has a hard time deleting photos of her kids & grandkids, even if they’re not good pictures. 🙂

      Ya, I actually really like how great Stella is at independent play. I spent a lot of time building towers WITH her and reading books and such — but she is great at playing in her toy kitchen & reading books to herself too, and I love that!

  13. As others have said, this is a good snapshot of life. I realized over the fall just how many pictures there were of me like this – since I take most pics I’m not in a ton, but the ones I was in I was on the computer/phone a lot! It’s helped me make an effort to play more and put the tech away. I had a serious problem especially in the evenings.

  14. Aw, thanks 😉

    And…yeah. Both kids LIVE to smack the laptop, but my phone is always in my hand. DAMMIT. HGB actually says “Mum! Look up!” at me now. MRRRRP

  15. Omg, but you look so gorgeous while you’re doing it. Seriously. This looks like an ad campaign for something ….

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