Quite the (Birth)Day

Well, the birthday party went well yesterday. We have a tiny house, and it was cold as shit outside (12 degrees and it felt like 1 degree) so nobody could be on the back deck so there were 23 people (17 adults / 6 kids) crammed into our little living area, but overall, it honestly was a great afternoon. People hung out from about 2-6pm, and Stella received way too many new toys – especially considering I had put “no gifts please” on the invitation! So far the doctor kit (especially the stethoscope) was the biggest hit I think (ETA – and the guitar from Grandma and Grandpa!), though she does love the art easel I scored for her from a local garage sale. However, a good party does not mean I am not dragging my ass today. Yesterday morning we had planned on getting ready, going to church at 10am, and doing a cpl hours of final party prep together (like hanging Christmas lights) while Stella napped before the guests arrived. Instead it went something like this:

  • 7:00 Stella wakes up after sleeping in almost an hour later than normal. Yay! Charlie and I sing her happy birthday and she is quite excited about the prospect of BALLOONS! CAKE! CANDLES!
  • 7:15 – 8:00 Stella happily draws us chalk pictures on her new art easel
  • 8:00 – 8:30 We have a nice, leisurely breakfast together as a family
  • 8:30 Stella requests a bubble bath, so I tell the birthday girl of course!
  • 8:45 Stella says “I so cold Mama” — and I realize she is sitting in a tub of ice cold water. Holy shit. Sorry child. We assume the hot water tank is out of water because we had just run a load of laundry & a load of dishes.
  • 9:15 We still haven’t showered for church and Charlie realizes the water is still cold, so he goes to check on the hot water heater. *@&^$_# We find out we have the one gas water heater ever made that you can’t light with a match if the igniter goes out, so Charlie gets in the car and drives 30 miles to the nearest town with hardware stores open on a Sunday. No showers or church for us. Meanwhile I’m back home trying to figure out what to do with a bunch of dirty dishes that I can’t wash and a kitchen I can’t clean up before 20 people descend on our house in a few short hours!
  • 11:45 I walk over to the neighbor’s house with Stella and use their shower quickly before nap time.
  • 12:30 I get back home & finally get Stella down (she normally sleeps 12-3).
  • 1:15 Charlie returns home sans igniter. Apparently just 2 months ago stores quit selling the part we need for liability reasons. This means we now have to call (and pay for) a plumber to come fix the problem… on Monday. No hot water for us. *@$(%^&*^
  • 1:30 Charlie runs over to a friend’s house to shower. I stick all the dirty dishes I can in the dishwasher. The rest will have to be out for all the friends & family to see. GAH.

So yeah… the house filled up shortly after 2pm and Stella only slept for 90 minutes instead of 3 hours, but she did really well for running on a short nap, and a great time was had by all, especially since the Broncos won. My kitchen is currently filled with dirty party dishes, my dining room table is filled with a gazillion toys I need to sort and find places for, and I’m about to take the afternoon off of work just to sleep, but overall it was a totally great day. My 2 year old is happy, we have our health, and we will get this hot water heater issue fixed before we’re trying to fill a birthing tub. Life is good. 🙂


Singing Happy Birthday to the birthday girl. 🙂


  1. Looks like she had a great time, but what shit luck you have with the hot water heater going out at that time. I love her easel, it is sooo cute!

    Also I like the felt tree, I have seen a few of these and yours is just adorable!

  2. Happy Birthday Stella! Geez, what a day. We went without hot water for a whole week the week of Thanksgiving- ugh, it was awful. Hope it gets fixed quickly and isn’t too expensive. Love the pictures and am so glad you had a great time at the party!

  3. I love her xmas tree! What a great idea!!

  4. phew. sucks that the water heater went out, but glad the party went well! hope it’s fixed now and glad it didn’t go out while you were filling up the birthing tub…oy!

    happy 2nd bday, stells!

  5. Aww, happy birthday to Stella! What a day for a cold bath, eh? Each of these pictures is amazing, by the way, but bare bums always win out in my book. 🙂

  6. lparsons15 · · Reply

    Awwww Happy Birthday Stella!!!! You guys sure had an eventful day!

  7. mcmissis · · Reply

    Our water heater? Pipes? Something else? went crazy yesterday, too! A morning at home with nothing planned quickly turned into a family trip to the hardware store. Thankfully, ours is only 10 minutes away! 🙂 Happy birthday, Stella!

    1. Ha, we have a True Value 4 blocks away, but it’s a mom & pop place that’s closed on Sundays!

  8. Aww sounds like a great day! Except for the freezing cold bubble bath and no hot water!! 🙂

  9. Happy Birthday Stella! Sounds like the day turned out to be great despite the outside & inside cold. Thinking of you these next few weeks, staying tuned… stay warm and as stress free as possible to gear up for the next -birth- day:]

  10. St. Elsewhere · · Reply

    Happy Birthday Stella! Many blessings.

  11. I am so late on this but Happy Birthday Stella!!! 🙂 Aww her in the tub saying, “I so cold mama!” Poor little thing! What a frustrating day for the hot water to go. Sounds like a great day otherwise though!!

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