Follie Check #4 / Lefse Rocks!

It seems like a good day for bullet points, doesn’t it? No? Well, it does to me. 🙂

*I have 120 followers. Wow. You guys are awesome! It never occurred to me when I started blogging that more than a handful of people would bother to follow along.
*I’m going to take that number as a great sign at this point in my baby-makin’ story because it’s my birth date (Jan20) and I’m hoping to find out another birth date soon.
*I’m helping a local girl make lefse tonight. Lefse is delicious. I <3 lefse, so it’s a good day.

Photo courtesy of my Mom. Norwegian deliciousness!

Without further ado, here are my stats from this morning:

Estradiol: 212.9 (down from 232)

LH: 40.6 (up from 15)
Progesterone: 1.7 (up from 1)
Lining: 9.1 mm (up from 7)
Right follies: continuing to fall off – between 5-7mm at the largest
Left follies: 1 rockstar (19.7mm!), and the rest are tiny (5-7)

WOW, okay. Before they got my blood work results they were planning on me triggering tonight and coming in Friday morning at 9:30 for the IUI, but, when they saw my LH at 40, my RE realized I’m surging on my own (go me?) so I need to get my ass to Denver stat. Luckily they had one opening at 1pm for an IUI at the office I’ve been going to. That means I need to be in my car and on the road by…well, I guess 6am tomorrow. Yikes.

I can’t believe this is happening! 🙂 


  1. So so exciting for you! Drive safely.

  2. WOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! DRIVE SAFE!! Leave a little earlier I say. 🙂 LoVE YOU!!

  3. Great news!!!!!

  4. @Audrey – thanks little sis. 6am gives me an extra hour, but I'm guessing I won't be able to sleep and will get on the road before that even. 🙂 So excited!

  5. That's so exciting! Good luck tomorrow!

  6. Hey Josey,I surged on my own, had one dominant follicle and my estrogen levels kept bouncing around and that was the cycle that I got my BFP! so good luck. I am crossing my fingers for you.

  7. YAY!!! That's such FABULOUS news! Be safe driving to Denver and good luck with the procedure!! Fingers crossed for a bfp!What in the world is Lefse? Looks tortilla – like and certainly delicious!

  8. Wow so exciting!!! I hope that rockstar puts on a good show 🙂 GOOD LUCK girl 🙂

  9. @Katie – lefse is sweeter than tortillas. You usually put some butter, cinnamon, and sugar on them and roll them up and eat them as a dessert. SOOOO good! It's made from potatoes, milk, flour, butter, sugar, and salt.

  10. Super exciting, Josey! I LOVE lefse! We try to make my grandma's recipe every year at christmas, but every year it seems like there is something missing from her recipe. Wanna share yours?!?!

  11. Soooooo exciting!! Keeping my fingers crossed!

  12. Lefse sounds delish- post the recipe!! Good luck tomorrow, I can't wait to hear how to goes!

  13. This really is happening!!! Drive carefully and sending lots of positive vibes your way! You are a rockstar!

  14. Exciting!!! Good luck girlie

  15. I am a huge fan of Team Josey! Read your blog daily – have it saved to my favorites – never thought of being a follower – but not I don't want to jack up your 120 thing! Good Luck and God Speed!

  16. How exciting – one of my friends just found out she's pregnant so hopefully you'll be next!Drive carefully!

  17. I'm just getting back to blogs again and OH MY GOD I'M SO EXCITED TO READ THIS!!!!!!!!!xoxox

  18. Yay! Yay! Yay! You're day is here and you are gonna become a momma tomorrow, I can just feel it! Know we'll all be thinking about you. Take it easy tomorrow after the procedure.

  19. i wondered if that was what was happening when your LH went up to 15 yesterday! i guess your problem is not in getting those eggs to release, just in getting them mature in the first place! hopefully the help in that department this cycle will be your magic juju! Safe travels, and good sperming up tomorrow!!! xox

  20. holy crap that is a lot of followers! Congrats! :)How exciting about your stats, hoping this IUI works for you!On a side note about your previous post – love the picture of you with needles and drugs in a bathroom restaurant like some druggie. I showed it to my friend T who I'm watching TV with and we had a really good laugh. You're hard core, you know that? 😀

  21. Yay! I am so excited. I have no idea what most of it means, but yay!! I am ecstatic for you!


  23. Best of luck!

  24. Good luck Josey!!! Happy first (and hopefully ONLY) IUI day!!!

  25. excited for you! Hope the IUI went smoothly today!

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